Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Top 3 Tips For Getting Started On a Nutrition Plan

The good news is that you already have a Nutrition Plan… the question is, do you want to change anything? Here are my top tips!

Woman Holding Green Apple

The good news is that you already have a Nutrition Plan… the question is, do you want to change anything? Here are my top tips!

1) Are you willing to make a change and be patient with progress? If not, you aren’t ready.

2) Are you willing to make these changes for 18 months? If not, don’t do it.

3) Are you willing to accept that plateaus are your body’s way of recalibrating the new normal? If not, don’t do it.

If you answered yes to all 3, you are ready. Start by taking inventory on what your goal is, and more importantly, why you want it. Then determine obstacles to create awareness. Finally, make the next best decision towards changing your current nutrition strategy.

Mindful Macros® is the nutrition program I have created and trademarked. It is for the individual who wants to incorporate intuitive techniques with the science of nutrition.

This is a compassionate program that will allow you to get the results you want without weighing, measuring, limiting foods, labeling foods, and stressing over what to eat on vacation.

We discover your Mindful Macros® by knowing your height and your goal.

Knowing your body type is an added bonus because it will help us deliver the best strategy from the get-go.

Nutrition can be compassionate and simple while delivering results. This is what Mindful Macros® is all about.

in our 72-CME program Transform®, we develop your customized nutrition plan, whether it's Mindful Macros®, Intuitive Eating, or counting Macros. Our next class starts in May. Click HERE to join the interest list.

Follow me on Instagram for recipes and tips to help you create your forever food plan. @alinovitskymd #mindfulmacros

You got this.


Ali Novitsky, MD

Brave Enough Conference, 2022

About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Get Snobby With Me!

Getting snobby is one of the most compassionate things you can do for yourself. It doesn't have to cost extra to make you feel special and well-cared for. #snobbywithyourextras

Heart Lollipop

Getting Snobby is one of the most compassionate things you can do for yourself.

I have recently been dating myself. Now - you don’t have to spend additional money to do this- or you can!!!

When Mark and I first started dating, I felt excited 24/7… but we weren’t spending a lot of money. So, where did the excitement come from? The chemistry! The new experiences! The new way of experiencing things I had done one hundred times.

Getting snobby with the language I am using with myself.

Getting snobby with the temperature that I eat my food.

Getting snobby with my nightly bathtime ritual time commitment.

But, then there are also the things that do cost a bit more. One of my dear clients and I will be traveling from one retreat to another. I decided to upgrade to the stretch limo for us. Why? Because we will remember the experience forever. It was so worth it when I shared the limo picture and she responded…"Talk about getting snobby with our transportation!” Getting snobby together will remind us that it is the little things that matter most.

How will you honor YOU, and get snobby this week?

You can check out more on the commitment I’ve made to myself here.


Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What Does Your Desk Say About You?

Decluttering your desk helps with setting boundaries, making space for yourself, relieving anxiety, and so much more. Review benefits of clearing the clutter here. By Ali Novitsky, MD

Benefits of Decluttering

Is your desk a reflection of your mind, OR, does your mind dictate what your desk looks like?

Could it be a little bit of both?
When I thought about this… I would have to say that it is both for me.
So, when I decide to clean up my desk, am I more willing to manage my mind? A big YESSSSS here.

Decluttering your desk is a great first step to setting boundaries and making space for yourself.
So, I ask you - how would you uplevel your life by committing to decluttering all around?
Some benefits of decluttering:
Boost your mood.
The act of decluttering in itself can be a relaxing task that allows our minds to rest and wander.
Sharpen your focus.
It's easy to get distracted when our desks are messy. Decluttering can help remove that source of distraction.
Energize you into productivity mode.
It feels great to see the end result of our efforts. Plus, a clean workspace can be a great boost to your motivation and productivity levels.
Relieve anxiety.
Clutter causes increased stress levels in many people. So cleaning your space could be just what you need to find some much-needed peace.
Learn more about the importance of making space for yourself in this article.


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What My Coach Said That Changed Everything

It is often easy for us to set a tangible goal like optimal weight loss, or a consistent exercise routine, or walking your dog more. But, the reality is that our reason for staying consistent to achieve this goal has to be pretty darn EPIC.

Ali Novitsky, MD

One of the things I talked about in my group this week is diving into your WHY.

It is often easy for us to set a tangible goal like optimal weight loss, or a consistent exercise routine, or walking your dog more. But, the reality is that our reason for staying consistent to achieve this goal has to be pretty darn EPIC. 

Our goal. Our why. Don’t feel frustrated if this doesn’t come to you right away.

In fact, I wasn’t able to come up with my deep why until I had my session with my 1:1 Coach this week.

She posed a question to me. She asked, “What would it be like if you decided exactly how you deserved to be treated, and didn’t settle for anything less?”

My wheels were turning for sure.

What would it be like? My life?

And then it hit me. I never thought about this!!! I never got extremely specific on what I really wanted. But, my coach took me there. And, as a result, I pushed even further. And, get this… MY WHY BECAME CLEAR. 

Goal: To be treated exactly as I want to be treated, starting with me.

Why? Because my pursuit for unconditional self-love will allow me to nurture myself and my precious daughters and husband in the exact way that I want. This will be possible with the royal treatment that I extend to myself. I can teach myself how I want to be treated by treating myself in that way.

I am grateful to my family and my support team who continue to hold the space for me to grow. My coach is amazing.


Check out my podcast episode on finding your WHY for setting health goals, vs. getting getting caught up in the diet culture mentality, here.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


Ali Novitsky, MD

About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

The Year of You

This year, I'm focusing on my true desires, my "why" for what I want, and why I want it. The journey to optimal physical, emotional, and mental health looks different for everyone.

Glitter in Champagne Glass

Happy New Year!! Wishing you the most amazing start to your 2023.

This year, I am driving my focus from my core desires. I am inspired to show up for myself in the most powerful way. This is going to take strength to remain aware, courage to consider that my old beliefs are simply old, and resilience to keep going even when it feels super uncomfortable.

I got this. You got this.

What do you want? 

Why do you want it?

What are the limiting beliefs posing as obstacles?

How will you strategize?

How will you ask for support?

How will you keep going?

What about when life gets in the way?

There are no failures. There is just more and more data to collect.

But why? Why all the data?

With data comes growth potential.

Why do we want growth?

It is different for us all. Growth allows me to keep peeling back the layers to learn more and more about who I really am. 

And, peeling back layers is a bit addictive. It feels good... then not good... then good again.

Commit to the journey that honors who you are… and the destination will be astounding. 

Check out my podcasts on (NOT) making weight loss your primary goal this year, HERE, and letting go of the guilt that comes with perfectionism, HERE.

Sending you so much love!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Click here to book a call!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Your Authentic Self is Waiting

The authentic version of ourselves does not get discovered in a glass bubble. We have to choose to leave the bubble (and our ego) so we can get to work.


Inspiration or Motivation?

For me, motivation gets me moving AND inspiration keeps me effortlessly in motion. Inspired to keep moving toward the most authentic version of myself. And, in a glass bubble, this would be completely comfortable and successful without a bump, blip, or glitch.

But, a glass bubble can be shattered, right? If we live here in our bubble, we won’t have developed the tools to discover what it is we are looking for.

The authentic version of ourselves does not get discovered in the glass bubble.

Exiting the glass… we are exposed. Discomfort begins. Thoughts spiral. We may feel like a mess. We may be so overwhelmed that we do not know where to begin.

What do we do? Where do we go? We are sitting at the bottom looking up at a world that at the moment doesn’t seem to make sense.

We have a choice. We can lean in, or find another glass bubble. Maybe we have chosen another bubble up until this point. And maybe, now is the time that we are unwilling to do that anymore.

Glass bubbles don’t seem to be all that motivating or inspiring anymore.

We choose to leave our ego with the bubble so we can get to work.

We decide to go all-in on ourselves. Whatever it takes.

Whoever we may disappoint.

We see glimpses of self-compassion and we feel self-worth.

It feels soothing and light.

We wonder why we kept ourselves in glass for so long.

Then we see others in their glass bubble. Others who we see ourselves in. And - we have a gut feeling. We can see the evolution of another bubble about to shatter. Another brave being who is willing to sit at the bottom so she can rise to the top.

If we look closely, there is glass everywhere. We have started a movement. So watch your step… and keep going.


Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


Ali Novitsky, MD

About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Find Your Tribe

Your community, who you choose to be around, matters. Take inventory on where you are spending your time. You deserve the most sacred spaces to grow!

Tree and Roots

They say that we become the sum of the 5 people we hang out the most with. Do you believe this?

Here is my take. We don't unknowingly hang out with random people and just allow ourselves to be like everyone else. Typically, we make an informed decision of who we want to be around. 

In healthy circumstances, we choose people who we thoroughly enjoy being around. We gravitate toward people who have qualities we would be honored to take on. Who we surround ourselves with does matter.

One of the things I have had to overcome as a recovering people pleaser, is the realization that I was choosing to stay in spaces that were not good for me. With some massive work on myself and finding communities that encouraged me to find self-compassion and self-worth, I am healing.

This holiday season… I want to encourage you to take inventory on where you are spending your time. You deserve the most sacred spaces to grow. Take a leap, make a change, find a space that will allow you to grow beyond what you thought possible.

Sending all my love.


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

Ali Novitsky, MD


Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Get Snobby With Your Extras!

Let me introduce my ‘Get Snobby with Your Extras’ strategy. This strategy doesn’t just apply to food. Let’s allow this strategy to apply to your life. #getsnobbywithyourextras

Yves Saint Laurent Bag

I often get the question, How do I fit alcohol into my nutrition plan? How do I fit sweets and treats into my nutrition plan? Can I have cake at birthday parties?”

Let me introduce my ‘Get Snobby with Your Extras’ strategy. But, before I do, this strategy doesn’t just apply to food. Let’s allow this strategy to apply to your life.

You are allowed to have any cocktail you want, but order the best one… and if it doesn’t taste exactly as you hoped - get snobby and say no. You can have cake at every single birthday party you attend for the rest of your life… but if the cake isn’t just how you would love it to be, toss it. Don’t eat the leftover Halloween candy… get the finest chocolate or candy of choice - and enjoy it.

Get snobby with the clothes you buy. I am not saying you have to spend more money. But buy the things that make you feel amazing. If the dress of your dreams bunches at the waist, send it back. If the boots squeeze your toes, don’t wear them.

Get snobby with who you surround yourself with. If you are finding yourself in toxic relationship situations, it is time to set some boundaries and say no.

Invest in yourself, invest in experiences.

This past weekend, I bought the bag I have wanted for 5 years. But, I didn’t just put it in my cart and buy it online. I went into the store, accepted the offered champagne (which was worth it), and bought my bag in person. I got snobby with my experience of buying a luxury item. 

Get snobby with the way you talk to yourself. When you find yourself in negative self-talk, decide that it’s not welcome. Get snobby with what you make others' comments and actions mean about you.

Get snobby, just get snobby. You are a masterpiece. You make amazing contributions. You deserve the best.

If you want to dive deeper, you can check out my podcast episode on this topic HERE.

Sending you lots of love this Holiday Season and always!!!



P.S. Enrollment for our (12) CME year-long program will open again on 12/26! Click HERE to join the Interest List and be first to know when doors reopen.

Holiday Macro-Friendly Recipe!!


1 Americano
1/4 cup Core Power Protein Milk
1-2 tsp Skinny Salted Caramel Syrup



CLICK HERE to download my 

Women Physician’s Holiday Optimal Health Guide

Join me as we give ourselves the ultimate gift. Improved health and fitness over the holidays.

About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

My Progress Update From Last Week

To honor our core desires, we have to be lower on our stress scale. My strategies as a woman physician to lower stress and find reconnection in my marriage and family life.

Couple holding hands

Last Sunday, I shared with you what I was working on this year, based on my core desires of: connection, adventure, peace, and freedom. I am really focusing on connection right now.

I know I am so much more peaceful when I am connected, and particularly with my husband Mark. In my Mastermind Group, we are exploring core desires and how they relate to our stress scale.

What we discovered is that to honor our core desires, we actually have to be lower on our stress scale. Mind-blowing discovery, really.

Today I wanted to share with you what I did this week to lower my stress and find reconnection. I will say that these strategies are working.  

The first strategy is that Mark and I now have a dedicated daily check-in that involves 3 categories: parenting and scheduling, couple goals, and business talk.

Knowing this check-in is non-negotiable has allowed me to have less urges to text him haphazardly throughout the day. And if I do have the urge, I can rest assured that we have dedicated time to discuss.

The next thing that we did is huge. We reinstated our weekly date night. We were so good about this… until the Covid shutdowns. And, our new habit became that we did everything as a family. So, we were delighted to find a wonderful babysitter who is now scheduled for weekly Thursday nights.

This past Thursday was amazing. We laughed, we connected, and we get to look forward to next week.

My third strategy was adopting the mindset that I get to unmarry any result. My work is to be present on my journey.

When I bring myself back to the moment - I get to be in my own life as it is right now. I am more in tune and aware of what I am experiencing and why that is.

I have to say, I am proud of myself. I think it is so important that we celebrate and honor ourselves. I am super proud of getting “real” with myself, having the hard conversations, and making the next best decision for myself. We are all doing the best we can with the tools that we have. 

So, instead of trying to do better… why don’t we just add more tools to our belts?

Sending you lots of love…



Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Change Takes Time… And Grace.

What difficult things do you have to face to live your authentic life? Don’t be afraid of what comes up; it can’t hurt you. Walk toward it. I will be walking with you.

Ali Novitsky, MD and Mark Novitsky

One of the things I am focusing on this year is more connection in my life.

I faced the tough reality that while I do love my life, I became somewhat disconnected from it. The best way I can describe this is it seemed as though my life was happening and I was watching it (sort of), but I wasn’t in it. I wasn’t feeling the highs and lows of emotion; it was almost as if I were numb.

Now, this is a hard thing to admit, especially to you all. I am a life coach, I live and breathe this work. I should have it figured out, right? Wrong.

What I discovered is that I didn’t realize there was a problem, and when I did start to notice that there may be, I engaged in some pretty harsh negative self-talk. I was not giving myself the grace and space that I needed.

And, then it hit me. Am I following any of my own advice?

Nutrition- yes. Exercise- yes. Which makes sense that I have achieved my physical health goals this year. But, everything else felt as though it was falling short. My husband Mark and I were not as connected. I felt my parenting was having a negative impact on our girls. I was working non-stop. I had no space because I was not creating boundaries.

I knew I needed to do something. I needed to start with meeting myself where I was, giving myself grace and gratitude. Grace to realize that nothing has gone wrong, but realize what I do and do not want in my life. Gratitude in that I love the life that Mark and I have built. But, now it was time to get in it.

We had to have some difficult, soul searching conversations, we had to take actions, we had to get real. I had to hear it was noticeable that I was not engaged in my personal life the way that others craved me to be. And, that I actually was craving, too.

This. Is. Life.

Life is unpredictable. There is never a perfect time. There will never be more than 24 hours in a day. We will constantly have to work to hold our sacred space. We will have to get rid of toxic relationships. We will have to ask for help. Yes, help. For the love, we all get to ask for help.

So, today… on this beautiful Sunday… I want you to dig deep. What do you need right now? What do you desire? Are you in your life?

Wherever you are, it’s perfect. Just meet yourself there. It is the kindest, most compassionate thing that you can do. And, it will empower you to go on a journey of self-discovery. That is what I have committed to. That is where I am going.

What difficult things do you have to face to live your authentic life? Don’t be afraid of what comes up; it can’t hurt you. Walk toward it. I will be walking with you.

Sending all my love. I see you.



Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What Does Your Heart Desire?

How an all-or-none mindset, perfectionism, need for control, or tendency to disqualify the positive, lead to habits that will work against you as you strive to meet your goals.

Red Heart Question Mark

We are so often bombarded with the idea that weight loss is the ultimate goal and means to our happiness.

But buying into this idea will leave us consumed in the never-ending pursuit of what we think will make us happy, rather than helping us achieve optimal health.  

So, if weight loss isn't the goal, then what is? 

To answer this question, you must be willing to do the work to discover your primary goal. So, I propose we start with another question.

What do you really want? What desire or need is driving you to lose weight or pursue fitness in the first place? Is it body acceptance, increased energy, food freedom, more peace, or fun in your life?

There are so many possible answers to this question, and each one will be specific to the individual answering it. Your primary goal is your why– the foundation to build your optimal health strategy upon. 

Once we’ve determined your primary goal, then we can get to work on what could be holding you back from reaching it. This is where we dig into your unique perception of the world and how it shapes your habits.

Certain patterns of thinking, such as an all-or-none mindset, perfectionism, a need for control, or a tendency to disqualify the positive, lead to habits that will work against you as you strive to meet your goals.

I invite you to dive deeper into this topic with me in my latest podcast episode, So Much More Than Weight Loss, Part 1, HERE

And if you haven't already subscribed, check out my new YouTube channel HERE



Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians® on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Optimal Weight Loss Protects Our Muscle

Whether we want to admit it or not, weight loss that is going to be sustainable has to be done in a way that preserves as much lean mass as possible. Tips from Ali Novitsky, MD.

Kettle Bells

Times are changing for the better. Experts are now seeing that weight loss can’t be as cavalier as it has been in the past.

Obesity medicine experts are pushing the needle to promote body composition over a BMI focus. This is something that is super important to know more about, especially if you are advising patients on weight loss or are on a weight loss journey of your own. 

If we are eating less and exercising more AND are not optimizing nutrition and the kind of exercise we do, then we are likely losing excess lean muscle mass. When we lose lean mass, we lower our metabolism and we also become deconditioned.

Even my clients who are eating properly and strength training AND being monitored by me and my partner can easily lose muscle mass if they dip too far into a deficit with inadequate nutrition.

Whether we want to admit it or not, weight loss that is going to be sustainable has to be done in a way that preserves as much lean mass as possible.

The plot thickens when we are entering pre-menopause and menopause. Then there are additional things we have to pay attention to.

So, what can we do?

Simple things. Understand our body type and our tendencies when we go into a calorie deficit. Focus on maintaining muscle mass with strength training and nutrition AND not overdoing our cardio. Or, if we are endurance athletes, making sure our nutrition is timed properly.

I love optimal weight loss. I do not love suboptimal weight loss.

The day when we can all agree to agree on how to approach weight loss is likely not going to happen. But, preservation of lean muscle mass is something I think we can all agree on.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Sharing Some of My Top Tips for Optimal Health

Ali Novitsky, MD shares pearls of coaching content on optimal health for women physicians. Strength training, food freedom & strategies, & getting snobby with your extras.

Pearls for Optimal Health from Ali Novitsky, MD

Over the past few weeks, I have shared with you a lot of important content to help on your journey to optimal health. There were tons of pearls that I don’t want you to miss. So here we go…


Food Freedom Strategy 101: Get Snobby with your extras!!

Extras are things that you enjoy to the max, but when overdone can derail your results.

Adopt my Snobby Tip. We have been super successful helping our ladies find food freedom AND achieve results.

If you are going to drink alcohol, pick the most enjoyable high quality drink… doesn’t taste good, stop drinking it. Get snobby.

Craving some chocolate and you only have a half-eaten snickers in the pantry? Throw it out, drive to the store, and buy the best chocolate. Get snobby.

Chicken nuggets look good on your kid’s leftover plate? Make yourself a fresh batch. If you are not willing to make a fresh batch, you don’t really want them. Get snobby.

Your ice cream has ice chunks in it. Get snobby.

The bread at the table is stale-ish. Get snobby.

You are precious beings, my friends… so get snobby. You deserve the best


Eating your meals out can easily fit into a nutrition strategy that will serve your goals. Here are a few tips I rely on because I enjoy eating at restaurants and I equally enjoy results.

1- Assess your hunger accurately. This simple step will help you to focus on the amount you will order.

2- Ask yourself, what could you eat (off the menu) that will allow you to leave the restaurant feeling energetic AND satisfied?

3- Appetizers are a good thing. Start with a protein-rich option and eat slowly. This will start the digestion process early (which is key for those of us who have a weak fullness signal). Check in with your hunger after you eat your appetizer, because you may decide to wrap your complete entree up or eat less than you otherwise would.

4- For your main, look for the items that are heavy with veggies. My rule of thumb is, a palm of protein and a cupped hand of starchy complex carbs, add some fat, and eat up the veggies.

5- What about extras? Things like bread, dessert, and alcohol. Choose bread OR dessert OR alcohol. Or get creative; I often order an Old Fashioned and commit to 3 bites of my kids’ dessert.


Exercise and BDNF- why you need to know about this amazing protein molecule that increases during exercise.

BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) release can help to optimize brain plasticity outcomes via exercise interventions. 

BDNF is found in regions of the brain that control: eating, drinking, and body weight. If we maintain normal levels, we can create profound homeostasis to optimize our health. 

Did you know that some of us have suboptimal BDNF based on our genetics???? I can determine this with a gene test we are now using in our programs.

Besides enhancing BDNF, why do we exercise???

- change how we think

- preserve lean muscle mass

- develop functional fitness

- lower our risk for chronic disease

- reverse and prevent osteoporosis (I have seen this occur in my groups)

- to feel amazing


Dr. Andrea Strathman is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Wake Forest Medical Center, who specializes in Neuroanesthesiology. Over the past three years, Andrea has lost 55 pounds and has maintained it for over 4 years through my Mindful Macros® plan. She has seen a total transformation in every area of her life and is here to share her amazing and inspirational story.

How 10 Minutes Changed Everything

Back in 2018, Andrea was letting her personal health and happiness take a back seat to everything else in her life. Then she was introduced to a daily 10-minute workout challenge I was hosting; things started to change. Once Andrea recognized that her engrained thoughts around her relationship with food were sabotaging the health changes she wanted to make, achieving significant sustainable results came easily.

Combining my Mindful Macros® plan with an intuitive approach to eating and a mindset shift toward daily exercise, Andrea adapted these strategies to work into her own life easier and has never looked back.

You Are Worth It!!

Dr. Strathman wants you to know that it is worth whatever time you have, even if it is just incremental baby steps, to make yourself better. Feeling more confident in her own skin has improved everything in Andrea’s life, from her family to her work, without making drastic changes in her daily routine. It doesn't take a lot of time or energy to feel better and create long-term sustainable habits, and you are worth it.


You are doing all the right things but you aren’t making progress? This is a common complaint that I hear daily … so I have decided to put together a free 5-session series called - So Much More Than Weight Loss

I am going to teach some key lifestyle modifications that will allow you to enjoy and appreciate the here and now while you start to make progress toward your unique goals.

So much more than weight loss is about honoring your unique body and diving deeper into your why.

We will talk about:

1) Weight Loss May Not Be The Answer.

2) What Are You Really Looking For?

3) GOALS: Intuitive Optimal Health Principles.

4) Energy Expenditure and Hormones: Impact on Weight Loss.

5) Rethink Weight Loss, Embrace Body Recomposition.


See you there!!!

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

So Much More Than Weight Loss

Weight loss implies mass is coming off the body - but it may not be body fat. How traditional weight loss strategies don't support lean muscle mass maintenance, and the alternative.

So Much More Than Weight Loss

Let’s get into a little talk on weight loss.

I actually do not like using the phrase, weight loss. I find it to be misleading.

Weight loss implies that mass is coming off of our body and it may not be body fat. Most people want to keep their muscle mass and lose body fat. But, traditional weight loss strategies do not support lean muscle mass maintenance.

This is a problem because when we lose lean muscle, we slow down our metabolism. Which means, we will require much less energy to sustain our new weight. The minute we start eating for our hunger, we will see weight gain. The weight gain may not be body fat at first, but over time, it will.

If we are not utilizing some simple muscle maintenance strategies, then for every 1 pound that we lose on the scale, 25% may be lean mass.

We can prevent this. And, I plan to teach you how.

I have put together a FREE series for you to take advantage of. It is called So Much More Than Weight Loss.

In this series, we will discuss:

1) Weight Loss Is Not The Answer.
2) What Are You Really Looking For?
3) GOALS: Intuitive Optimal Health Principles.
4) Energy Expenditure and Hormones: Impact on Weight Loss.
5) Rethink Weight Loss, Embrace Body Recomposition.

You can learn more about and register for the FREE series HERE. And, share this link with a friend who may love the series!!

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Is Sleep or Exercise Better For Fat loss?

Lack of sleep can stall efforts to improve our health, particularly when we're trying to lose body fat. How a sleep deficit impacts hormone levels, also influenced by genetics.


If you have a choice to wake up early to work out or sleep, which one do you think I would suggest? Well, it depends.

If you are in a sleep surplus and feel energized to wake up early - do it. If you are tired and in a sleep deficit, please sleep.

Often, our lack of sleep can ABSOLUTELY stall our efforts to make improvements in our health. Particularly when we are trying to lose body fat.

Here are the details. A sleep deficit does the following:

Increases Cortisol - our Stress Hormone - which also stimulates additional release of insulin. Insulin is a fat storage hormone.

Increases Blood Glucose which increases insulin.

Increases Insulin. Enough Said.

Decreases Insulin Sensitivity. We now need more insulin to manage our blood glucose… additional insulin means more likelihood of storing body fat.

Increases Ghrelin. This is our hunger hormone that increases our appetite, which would promote a calorie surplus, encouraging fat storage.

Decreases Leptin. Decreased leptin is what we believe to be a hallmark of obesity. A low leptin level tells our body to hold onto as much body fat as possible, even if we have extra to spare.

Bottom line. We need to strike a balance. Sleep is a crucial part of achieving our health goals… and we didn’t even discuss the implications that a sleep deficit has on our mood.

Also, keep in mind that many of us have a variant in our cortisol release hormone gene. If we have this variant (which my genetics test revealed), then we have the possibility of releasing even more cortisol which will amplify all of the above.

You can learn more about how our genetics can predispose us to emotional eating. In my FREE series for women physicians, Food For Thought, I teach all about this. You can get access to the program HERE.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

My Favorite Jeans - Revealed!!

Some of our women physician life coaching clients focus on a number on the scale, purely on weight loss, giving the scale all of the power. How to feel confident where you are right now.

Stack of blue jeans

I love doing scale work with my women physician clients.

And, I want to share with you a very interesting scenario. In fact, you can try it yourself.

I will typically have someone come to me saying that their soul is crushed by the number on the scale. So, we use the current number on the scale as a circumstance, and we deep dive into the thoughts and feelings they have about the number.

We then use the number that they WANT to see, and deep dive into the thoughts and feelings they have about that number.

99% of the time, both numbers cause negative thoughts and feelings. The take home is that NO NUMBER (high or low) actually has enough power to make us more satisfied in our lives. Rather, what we choose to believe about our lives, our bodies, our relationships is what controls our satisfaction level.

We can choose to be satisfied now. We can choose self-acceptance now.

I have a few more questions and some additional things for you to think about.

How do you like your scale? A lot or a little? Or do you despise it? Or, maybe it’s not the scale but your thoughts about the number on the scale? How can one number have so much power? It’s simple - we are influenced to believe that the number SHOULD have tons of power.

Let me offer you a few things:

our weight is our gravitational pull on the earth

our weight does not reflect our body composition

our weight set-point is influenced by genetics

How can we do better for ourselves???

Let me offer my Jeans protocol. It’s simple. But let’s clear one thing up first: the size or number of your jeans also doesn’t matter!!

The Jeans protocol is investing in an amazing pair of jeans that fits your body right now. Go to a store, ask for help, find the perfect pair. Fall in love with your jeans.

Your jeans have your back (literally)

Your jeans don’t care if you gained 2lbs

Your jeans don’t care if you lost 2lbs

Your jeans were made to love your current  body… and if that body is to change, they will celebrate when you purchase a new pair.

What’s my point??? I want you to achieve all of your goals whether it is body recomposition, better relationship with your body and food, more balance in your life, better relationships… etc., etc.

But… we will only achieve our goals if we learn to love who and where we are right now.

So, how do we do this? We meet ourselves where we are right now! So we buy the darn jeans that fit now.

You are amazing!!!!

We are enrolling for Transform® 5.0, so if you have even 1% interest, I highly recommend you take advantage of a consult call.

We offer zero-pressure information calls to answer any questions you may have on how our programs work and if they can benefit you. Best thing to do is to join our Transform® 5.0 interest list, and I will be in touch personally. You can join HERE.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Do Not Lose Weight This Year

Weight loss in not always the answer for women physicians. How a body recomposition focus helps maintain our basal metabolic rate, shed adipose tissue, and retain lean muscle mass.

Do not lose weight as your primary goal this year.

Can you imagine your doctor telling you this?

Coming in today to let you in on a couple of little secrets.

First secret: weight loss with a PURE weight loss focus is not the answer.

And, to be honest… I wish it were because it would be way easier. I really wish that watching the number on the scale go down could bring us happiness, contentment, and all the things we believe it will. It’s not our fault though… we have been conditioned to believe this.

Second secret: watching the number on the scale go down may not be a good thing if we do not adopt a focus on optimal body recomposition. Let me explain.

If we are not doing some key things to preserve lean muscle mass, for every pound on the scale that we lose, we could be losing 25% lean mass. No Thank You!! This means our basal metabolic rate will surely go down and we will have a very difficult time with maintaining our perceived “goal weight.”

Let’s do ourselves a favor and start focusing on the right things. The things that will bring us happiness, peace, more contentment. There is no number in the world that will bring those things. Over the next month, I am going to be talking about these things on my social media channels and on my podcast.

But for today… here is a bit on a body recomposition focus versus a weight loss focus - which are very different goals. 

Weight loss means your body is losing mass, not necessarily adipose tissue

Body recomposition means we are optimizing our lean mass

Weight loss means the number on the scale goes down

Optimal body recomposition means body fat percentage is going down until desired level reached

Weight loss does not require exercise

Optimal body recomposition requires strength training

Weight loss is works passively

Optimal body recomposition is active

Why body recomposition? So that as we age we can be the strongest, healthiest, most bada$$ version of ourselves. I’m in. Cheers to carrying our groceries when we are 90.

I highly recommend you check out one of my latest podcast episodes: Why Your Diet Isn’t Working. You can access the episode HERE. And if you are not already subscribed, make sure you do.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Subscribe to Life Coaching for Women Physicians on Apple Podcasts.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Boundaries for Women Physicians

Women physicians need to establish firm boundaries to protect our energy and show up for our patients and family. As a life coach, I help direct attention to one area often overlooked: self-boundaries.

Rock Cairn - Life Coaching for Women Physicians

Have you ever been so busy helping others get what they need, that you feel lost in what you need? I think it happens way more than we care to admit. Let’s be honest, we are very good at taking care of others… we have dedicated careers centered on just this. But, how do we give ourselves equal attention?

Introduce Self-Boundaries.

We will come up with hundreds of reasons why we don’t need to take time for ourselves. We have heard that we should, and sometimes we even trick ourselves into thinking that we are taking time. But, I guarantee that unless we are setting aside specific times for just us - we are probably not giving ourselves the time that we need. And, if we are not giving ourselves time… eventually we may feel lost. If we didn’t give our best friend time, what would happen? The relationship may feel lost.

Self-Boundaries can be skillfully created when we are first willing to meet ourselves where we are. So, how do we figure this out? I like to think about where I am in terms of my: mental, emotional, physical, and relationship health.

Then I ask these questions:

How are my current thoughts supporting my life’s mission? What needs tweaking?

How has my anxiety been (on a scale of 1-10) upon first waking in the morning?

How does my body feel?

Have my workouts been consistent? Why or Why not?

Has my nutrition been consistent? Why or Why not?

How connected do I feel with my immediate family?

Once I go through and answer these questions, I can then prioritize where I need to focus my energy so I can best meet myself where I am.

Let me go through an example.

How are my current thoughts supporting my life’s mission? What needs tweaking?

In general, I am creating thoughts that are driving good, solid, action. I am noticing some overwhelm because I am thinking that there is so much to get done.

How has my anxiety been (on a scale of 1-10) upon first waking in the morning?

The past week, I have been around a 4, which is well-managed for me.

How does my body feel?

Muscles are fairly sore, I know I have been hitting the strength training pretty hard, however, nothing I need to pull back on just yet.

Have my workouts been consistent? Why or Why not?

Yes, I have a clear plan that follows the working smarter not harder strategy - and I love it. 

Has my nutrition been consistent? Why or Why not?

For the most part, yes. I have been following a more intuitive eating approach past week and I feel great.

How connected do I feel with my immediate family?

Mark and I really need a date night. I have been spending more quality time with the girls.

Next, I rank my top 3 priorities based on my responses.

  1. Get a date night with Mark on the books

  2. Address overwhelm with some guided thought work

  3. Take close inventory on workouts and consider altering

So, now I have 3 actionable things that I can work on right now. And, when I do, I am meeting myself in a useful way and targeting the areas that need a bit more help. You can run this list as often as you want. It will ensure that you are keeping up with self-care and setting boundaries to make adjustments as needed.

Homework: make a list of your own. Bonus if you share it with us.

My friend, Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, has a new book I think you would all find life changing. In her book, Brave Boundaries, Sasha utilizes practical and powerful tools, concepts, and exercises, to invite you into an empowering and peaceful way of life. She shares personal and professional expertise on how you can overcome burnout and take back control of your time and your life by learning to set clear work-life boundaries. She examines the hopeless cycle of self-criticism, the social expectation of what a woman “should” be, and the incessant drive to please. Then, she guides you down the path of discovering who you were created to be by helping you take a boundary inventory. I encourage you to purchase it HERE!

Check out our recent podcast interview on Brave Boundaries HERE.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

Included is New and cutting-edge content to help you:

  • Understand and gain new perspective on why emotional eating happens

  • Become aware of the most effective nutrition strategies to overcome emotional eating

  • View a Genetic Audit with one of our volunteers

  • Sample a Mind-Body Workout where we will focus on processing emotion

  • Take the next steps toward achieving your goals by utilizing the strategies taught on the day

  • Learn how our genetics heavily impact our tendency to engage in emotional eating

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Finding Satisfaction in Maintenance

Because my life coaching programs for women physicians involve the pursuit of optimal health, we are usually setting goals, then measuring progress toward those goals. It is amazing when someone hits a goal that they wanted and planned for. Maintenance is where the deep soul-searching magic happens. Are you ready for it??


There were so many things I wanted to write to you about, but this topic came up several times… so I thought it would be a good one.

Because my life coaching programs involve the pursuit of optimal health, we are usually setting goals, then measuring progress toward those goals. It is amazing when someone hits a goal that they wanted and planned for.

But, there isn’t a big party or parade or guaranteed happiness when we reach this goal.

In fact, sometimes it feels boring… mundane. We start to question why we are not happier when we convince ourselves that achieving a certain goal would make us happy. This is not uncommon.

And, I believe it is a HUGE reason why we are having difficulty in maintenance mode.

For high achievers like women physicians, not working toward a certain goal feels very uncomfortable. You have to remember that any time we are in pursuit of something and have a decent amount of momentum - we are actually creating a lot of dopamine. In fact, setting new goals creates dopamine.

So, when we achieve a goal, there can actually be a bit of let down. Can you relate?

So, what do we do about this?

While there are many strategies here, I want to offer one that I have been experimenting with myself. It is called: GET INTO YOUR CURRENT LIFE.

If your current life or situation is the circumstance, then how can you think about it in order to create that contentment you are seeking?  

Let’s say that your goal was to be able to squat 200 pounds. So, you developed a strategy and plan and worked at it. Eventually you hit your goal. Perhaps you felt proud, excited.

Now let’s say that you have to stay at a 200 pound squat for the next 6 months. You don’t want to regress, but you are also not allowed to improve. How does that feel? Also, what are you thinking???

If you get into your current life, your 200 pound squat, my guess is that you would be more present so you could analyze the squat and make it more efficient. Perhaps you would stay at 200 lbs but increase your reps. Maybe you would help someone else get to a 200 pound squat. 

My point is not the squat, but it is being aware of what comes up when we are not trying to push so hard forward all of the time. We are good at that. That is what we are used to doing.

To get different results, like being more content with your current situation, you have to believe different thoughts.

Let’s say that you have your dream job, your dream family with a dog included, your dream car, your dream vacation schedule, your dream bank account, your dream partner… your dream. But, you are having trouble getting into your life.

I want to assure you that nothing has gone wrong.  

Part of this journey is appreciating what you have achieved, and to stop comparing your reality to what you thought your reality would be like.

For example, maybe in your mind, your dream home was shinier and your partner was a better listener. We take away our ability to be content by comparing ourselves to ourselves (our dream to our reality).

Of course maintenance will not feel desirable if we always think we could do better. What will it take for you to get into your life? Maybe it can start with a pause of reflection and embracing what is. Nothing has gone wrong.

The more often we can pause and embrace the maintenance of what is, the better and more experienced we will be in maintenance.

Maintenance is where the deep soul-searching magic happens. Are you ready for it??  


We are having a blast creating so many things here at LCWP. Our consults are getting busy as we gear up for the Transform® 5.0 program. It is for sure our best one yet… We have added more and are including 3 programs for the investment of 1. With your 6-month Transform® enrollment, you will receive Jump Start™ 3.0, G.O.A.L.S. Society® x 6 months, and Transform® 5.0.

We offer almost 50 hours of live programming each month including your full fitness program mapped out for you.  

You can check out Jump Start™ and G.O.A.L.S. Society® HERE.

You can check out Transform® HERE.

You can check out Limitless™ HERE.

Or, if you want us to break it down for you, just jump on a call. You can book HERE.


Click above to find a time to connect!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

You Think You Said It - But Did You?

If you think back to any negative outcomes with relationships, there is often just a TINY little blip in communication. But, what if both parties took responsibility right away? When we take ownership, we show up differently. We are acting from a different feeling instead of reacting to something uncomfortable.

Rotary Phone

Each week, I try to bring you a reflection that I have had to help prompt some thoughts of your own. This week, I have been thinking a lot about how I communicate. Further, thinking more about how I can take more responsibility for how I communicate.

This comes up all the time whenever we discuss a conflict in a relationship. Here is a great example. Sam and Kelly are friends. Sam thinks that Kelly is their best friend, but Kelly doesn’t think the same way. Sam shows up in a way that reflects their thoughts of being in a best friendship with Kelly. Kelly reacts in a negative way because they don’t think or even feel the same way as Sam. Here is a conflict. And, not only is there a conflict, but the resolution of the conflict is probably a difficult conversation.  

As we know - we often avoid difficult conversations. So, what happens?

Kelly will most likely withdraw and Sam will be confused. Sam will then have new thoughts about Kelly which will put an even more negative spin on the relationship… and here is often where the 2 may part ways.

But, it does not have to be this way. If we commit to clear communication, we can avoid misunderstandings which will allow us to preserve relationships that really matter to us. It isn’t that Kelly doesn’t care about Sam, but their needs are just a bit different. It is Kelly’s responsibility to communicate those needs.

If you think back to any negative outcomes with relationships, there is often just a TINY little blip in communication. But, what if both parties took responsibility right away? When we take ownership, we show up differently. We are acting from a different feeling instead of reacting to something uncomfortable.

Here are some of my tips to be an effective communicator so we can get better results in our relationships:

1) Find the right time to talk. Having difficult conversations first of all do not need to be difficult. They will for sure have a great impact in a positive way. But, set yourself up for success. We always want to be careful in our timing and make a plan to have the talk ahead of time.

2) Decide what your goal of the talk is. After the talk is over, what would you love to have gained? More clarity for yourself? More peace? A new strategy going forward?

3) Make a list of 3 things that are very important to you to communicate. You don’t want to have too many things to discuss. You want to keep it simple and concise and focus on the things that will bring you closer to your resolution.

4) Take ownership. Relationships are a 2-way street, but if you take ownership for at least half… you are setting yourself up for success. Be curious about what the other person has to say. When we take 50% ownership and no more, we are setting a boundary of protection that will prevent us from becoming reactive.

5) Take responsibility without apologizing. You do not have to say “I am sorry” in order to rectify the situation. You do not have to be sorry for your thoughts and feelings. Remember, you are likely having the conversation because you care about this person and your relationship.  

You are smart, powerful, amazing, lovable, and perfect as-is. And, I think you may find how amazing it feels to deepen your conversations, even if it may feel uncomfortable at first.

Wishing you an amazing week.



P.S. So much is happening at LCWP. We now offer 5 different programs: G.O.A.L.S. Society®, Jump Start™, Transform®, Transform® Graduates, and Limitless™. We are committed to offering CME credits with our programs because we know (and research supports) that physician coaching is a top strategy for wellness and burnout prevention. We go one step further and have created a 1-stop shop for your mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Want to find out if our programs are a good fit for you? Book a call with us HERE. We can’t wait to talk.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

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