Finding Satisfaction in Maintenance


There were so many things I wanted to write to you about, but this topic came up several times… so I thought it would be a good one.

Because my life coaching programs involve the pursuit of optimal health, we are usually setting goals, then measuring progress toward those goals. It is amazing when someone hits a goal that they wanted and planned for.

But, there isn’t a big party or parade or guaranteed happiness when we reach this goal.

In fact, sometimes it feels boring… mundane. We start to question why we are not happier when we convince ourselves that achieving a certain goal would make us happy. This is not uncommon.

And, I believe it is a HUGE reason why we are having difficulty in maintenance mode.

For high achievers like women physicians, not working toward a certain goal feels very uncomfortable. You have to remember that any time we are in pursuit of something and have a decent amount of momentum - we are actually creating a lot of dopamine. In fact, setting new goals creates dopamine.

So, when we achieve a goal, there can actually be a bit of let down. Can you relate?

So, what do we do about this?

While there are many strategies here, I want to offer one that I have been experimenting with myself. It is called: GET INTO YOUR CURRENT LIFE.

If your current life or situation is the circumstance, then how can you think about it in order to create that contentment you are seeking?  

Let’s say that your goal was to be able to squat 200 pounds. So, you developed a strategy and plan and worked at it. Eventually you hit your goal. Perhaps you felt proud, excited.

Now let’s say that you have to stay at a 200 pound squat for the next 6 months. You don’t want to regress, but you are also not allowed to improve. How does that feel? Also, what are you thinking???

If you get into your current life, your 200 pound squat, my guess is that you would be more present so you could analyze the squat and make it more efficient. Perhaps you would stay at 200 lbs but increase your reps. Maybe you would help someone else get to a 200 pound squat. 

My point is not the squat, but it is being aware of what comes up when we are not trying to push so hard forward all of the time. We are good at that. That is what we are used to doing.

To get different results, like being more content with your current situation, you have to believe different thoughts.

Let’s say that you have your dream job, your dream family with a dog included, your dream car, your dream vacation schedule, your dream bank account, your dream partner… your dream. But, you are having trouble getting into your life.

I want to assure you that nothing has gone wrong.  

Part of this journey is appreciating what you have achieved, and to stop comparing your reality to what you thought your reality would be like.

For example, maybe in your mind, your dream home was shinier and your partner was a better listener. We take away our ability to be content by comparing ourselves to ourselves (our dream to our reality).

Of course maintenance will not feel desirable if we always think we could do better. What will it take for you to get into your life? Maybe it can start with a pause of reflection and embracing what is. Nothing has gone wrong.

The more often we can pause and embrace the maintenance of what is, the better and more experienced we will be in maintenance.

Maintenance is where the deep soul-searching magic happens. Are you ready for it??  


We are having a blast creating so many things here at LCWP. Our consults are getting busy as we gear up for the Transform® 5.0 program. It is for sure our best one yet… We have added more and are including 3 programs for the investment of 1. With your 6-month Transform® enrollment, you will receive Jump Start™ 3.0, G.O.A.L.S. Society® x 6 months, and Transform® 5.0.

We offer almost 50 hours of live programming each month including your full fitness program mapped out for you.  

You can check out Jump Start™ and G.O.A.L.S. Society® HERE.

You can check out Transform® HERE.

You can check out Limitless™ HERE.

Or, if you want us to break it down for you, just jump on a call. You can book HERE.


Click above to find a time to connect!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.


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