My Favorite Jeans - Revealed!!

Stack of blue jeans

I love doing scale work with my women physician clients.

And, I want to share with you a very interesting scenario. In fact, you can try it yourself.

I will typically have someone come to me saying that their soul is crushed by the number on the scale. So, we use the current number on the scale as a circumstance, and we deep dive into the thoughts and feelings they have about the number.

We then use the number that they WANT to see, and deep dive into the thoughts and feelings they have about that number.

99% of the time, both numbers cause negative thoughts and feelings. The take home is that NO NUMBER (high or low) actually has enough power to make us more satisfied in our lives. Rather, what we choose to believe about our lives, our bodies, our relationships is what controls our satisfaction level.

We can choose to be satisfied now. We can choose self-acceptance now.

I have a few more questions and some additional things for you to think about.

How do you like your scale? A lot or a little? Or do you despise it? Or, maybe it’s not the scale but your thoughts about the number on the scale? How can one number have so much power? It’s simple - we are influenced to believe that the number SHOULD have tons of power.

Let me offer you a few things:

our weight is our gravitational pull on the earth

our weight does not reflect our body composition

our weight set-point is influenced by genetics

How can we do better for ourselves???

Let me offer my Jeans protocol. It’s simple. But let’s clear one thing up first: the size or number of your jeans also doesn’t matter!!

The Jeans protocol is investing in an amazing pair of jeans that fits your body right now. Go to a store, ask for help, find the perfect pair. Fall in love with your jeans.

Your jeans have your back (literally)

Your jeans don’t care if you gained 2lbs

Your jeans don’t care if you lost 2lbs

Your jeans were made to love your current  body… and if that body is to change, they will celebrate when you purchase a new pair.

What’s my point??? I want you to achieve all of your goals whether it is body recomposition, better relationship with your body and food, more balance in your life, better relationships… etc., etc.

But… we will only achieve our goals if we learn to love who and where we are right now.

So, how do we do this? We meet ourselves where we are right now! So we buy the darn jeans that fit now.

You are amazing!!!!

We are enrolling for Transform® 5.0, so if you have even 1% interest, I highly recommend you take advantage of a consult call.

We offer zero-pressure information calls to answer any questions you may have on how our programs work and if they can benefit you. Best thing to do is to join our Transform® 5.0 interest list, and I will be in touch personally. You can join HERE.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

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Ali Novitsky, MD

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