Embracing Change and Finding Affirmation

The picture I am including with this post today is the one that I shared on my social media this week, and I really wanted to share it with you all here.

I wrote,

“You know when you feel some big shifts happening AND you are about to make some decisions AND you don’t know if you are doing the right thing?

Then… you review your photos from the day and realize that your face, your energy, your soul is saying- yes, you are doing the right thing.

That scenario is what this picture represents to me. Thank you to my incredible husband, Mark, for catching this moment of truth for me.”

And, here is the thing. I bet you all are coming up on some big decisions, too. I trust that you know the answer. I trust that you know what is best for you. And, I urge you to make the decision that serves YOU best.

You may not realize how much energy and effort you put out into the world. It is a ton! I want to offer that you deserve so much love for how much you care. Where will you find this love, you may ask? Create some space for the massive self-love and self-compassion that you deserve. 

Remember, when we are feeling extra stressed and overwhelmed, it is actually an emotional need of ours that is not being met. When we meet our own needs, we can continue to make good decisions for us because it becomes non-negotiable not to.

So for today’s reflection. What is it that you need? And, how can you meet that need for yourself? When you can meet this for yourself, you will be better connected with yourself, and better able to connect with others. 

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead…



PS. So much happening around HERE!!

I will be running my one and only Nutrition Training Program on October 7th. Runs 8-weeks but includes 1 year of calls with me! The content is so robust that we just got the CME credits bumped from 12 to 48!!! You can earn 48-CME credits and more importantly… learn everything that I have curated over the past 22 years! LEARN MORE HERE.

Transform® 9.0 is enrolling soon!!! We have our most amazing offer yet. 72-CME and we are for the first time ever going to YEAR-LONG ENROLLMENT. Learn more HERE.

GLP-1 Weight Loss is on fire. Next round starts in November!! You can LEARN MORE HERE.






Embracing New Adventures Together!


Finding Abundance in Connection