Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Celebrating Our Authentic Style

Today, I am celebrating my style as someone who loves to get inspired, and then taking that energy to create impact. 

This past week, I was supposed to be speaking at The Women Physician Wellness Conference in Amelia Island. Hurricane Milton had different plans, and our leader, Dr. Erica Howe, turned the in-person conference into a virtual one. Because… that is just her style.

You see, style is more than what we wear; it is how we show up.

I was then inspired to show up… leaning into the curiosity surrounding my own authentic style.

When Erica had to shift gears, she asked me to record (3) 45-minute workouts. I knew that Erica needed them ASAP in order to deliver her conference on time, so on Thursday, I spent the day working out. 

After 200 pushups and 500 squats, I hit the creatine and got in the sauna.

As I reflected, I realized I am beyond blessed that I was able to complete what I just did. I had this moment of pure acceptance of self. And, I did not disqualify the positive. I celebrated.

Then I asked myself - why don’t I celebrate all the things, all the time? The answer was pretty clear. I just need to make more space for the celebration.

So, I decided to celebrate more. My husband, Mark, spent an additional 3 hours editing my videos so they were ready to go on time. I celebrated him and enjoyed gratitude for how much he loves me.

Then, our youngest daughter Charlotte asked for a sleepover with 2 friends. We celebrated that kids feel comfortable coming to our house and that their parents trust us. Many DoorDashes later, the girls had a fantastic time AND I am still scraping acai bowls off the ceiling. 

Our oldest daughter, Betsy, has suddenly gotten into fashion. So, we took a trip to the mall and had some fun times picking out new things and celebrating our time together. We literally celebrated style.

Today, I am celebrating my style as someone who loves to get inspired, and then taking that energy to create impact. 

The most significant impact can occur when we are in complete alignment. We need to notice what is no longer in alignment for us. And, it is a kind thing to honor that. This allows space to choose what is in alignment, so our unique style can shine through. 

I believe that we were born with our style.

My style is inspired and impactful. What is yours????

Sending you so much love!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

See My Before and After…

My journey has allowed me to offer programs that cured my own struggles, and now the struggles of many.

I am not a fan of before and after pictures, just so we can celebrate my 60 pound weight loss that I have maintained for over 22 years.

I share this picture so I can celebrate the fact that I loved my body 60 pounds heavier and here is why:

  1. It earned me a Division 1 softball scholarship

  2. It could leg press 1,000 pounds

  3. It could hit a softball over 250 feet

  4. It got me into medical school

  5. I loved it so much that I was committed to making it as healthy as possible

So, what happened 22 years ago?

After my last softball game, I made a decision that I was going to get in touch with myself. Learn to deal with my emotions rather than eat them. My body deserved better.

My journey is my greatest gift because it allowed me to understand the struggles that my clients face. Many now see my pictures and think that I never struggled, so how can I understand what they are going through?

My journey allowed me to start a health and fitness company that is changing the relationship of the doctor-patient. 

I understand nutrition in a way that is special because it works, and I am proof. 

My journey has allowed me to offer programs that cured my own struggles, and now the struggles of many.

My nutrition strategy was curated starting 22 years ago, and it has only been perfected. And, I am now teaching nutrition for healthcare professionals. And, it starts tomorrow.

It would be an honor to teach you the way to metabolic health through nutrition.

You can join our Nutrition Training Program HERE.


Want to get your Nutrition Program Free?

Consider depositing for Transform®!! This is our best value to date and you will work with me for 15 months!! 

Talk about becoming an expert…

48-CME credits at the end of 8 weeks and 72-CME credits in December 2025 with the Nutrition/Transform® combo.

Talk soon,



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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

How a Broken Heel Led to New Friendships and Deeper Connections

What if these unexpected things in life have a gift hidden within them for you, just waiting to be discovered?

Life has a way of surprising us, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

Recently, I experienced a minor hiccup that turned out to be a blessing in disguise — a broken boot heel! 

Normally this would not be a problem, however, this happened just minutes before I was giving my talk at PIMDCON24.

As I was waiting on the sidelines to be announced, I stepped down on my boot heel and felt it detach from the leather. What seemed like a problem quickly transformed into an opportunity to connect with my audience.

I told the story during my opener and I could see how it immediately allowed all to see that I was simply human. I wobbled through the talk, and it was just perfect… just as it was meant to be.

Through shared laughter and humorous exchanges, I found myself engaging more deeply with others, fostering genuine friendships and connections I hadn’t anticipated. It taught me that sometimes, the smallest inconveniences can lead to the greatest stories.

Now, PIMDCON was my first stop on my speaking circuit this weekend, and I only packed one pair of boots. I was beyond flattered when physician and style icon Dr. Tiffany Moon stepped in and had new boots delivered to the hotel so I could confidently approach my next event.

This gesture was so kind and it created such a wonderful connection and memory. It reminded me of the innate kindness that binds us and how a simple act of generosity can turn a challenging moment into an uplifting one.

Because of Dr. Moon's thoughtfulness, I approached my next engagement with renewed confidence, knowing that I had the support of amazing individuals like her. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of community and the beautiful ripple effects that kindness can manifest in our lives.

This also created an amazing opportunity for me to hear all about Dr. Moon’s conference, LeadHer Summit, coming to Dallas November 8th through the 10th!! I have registered and I am so excited to attend this amazing event. You can learn all about the LeadHer Summit HERE.

So here is what I want to offer:

What if these unexpected things in life have a gift hidden within them for you, just waiting to be discovered? My broken heel certainly did. It not only led to forming new friendships, but also deepened my connections with those around me.

By embracing curiosity and staying open to the unfolding of events, we can uncover more gifts, lessons, and opportunities in what initially appear to be setbacks. Every twist and turn holds the potential to guide us toward something beautiful, if only we allow ourselves to explore it with an open heart and mind.

Wishing you an amazing week! Can't wait to share about my Brave Enough ‘24 experience where I will be giving a brand new talk on Stress.

Talk soon!

P.S. It is conference time for me! So, I have a special package for my CME programs that I am extending to you as well. If you deposit for Transform® 9.0, you get to start right away in my bonus program AND take my Nutrition Training Program (48-CME credits) at no extra cost. Want to know more about nutrition training? We have a live webinar coming up on October 4th.


Join our live webinar to learn if nutrition training is right for you HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Your Lessons Will Continue to Come Until You Master Them

Setting boundaries has been a recurring lesson for me, and though I've been aware of its importance, embracing it fully has been a challenge.

Miraval Berkshires

As I reflect on the transformative experience at our community retreat at Miraval Berkshires, I am reminded of the beautiful truth that life's lessons persistently find their way to us until we truly absorb their wisdom.

Each moment of insight is an opportunity for growth, and our retreat was full of these enlightening "aha" moments. It became clear that challenges are not just obstacles; they are valuable teachers guiding us toward our fullest potential.

Have you thought about what lesson keeps representing itself to you?

It's important to recognize these recurring themes, as they often signal areas where growth is most needed and where the potential for personal evolution lies.

Embrace this reflection, not with frustration, but with an open heart and mind. Consider these moments as gentle nudges from the universe, encouraging you to dig deeper into understanding your path.

Setting boundaries has been a recurring lesson for me, and though I've been aware of its importance, embracing it fully has been a challenge. It's as if there's an invisible force pulling me back every time I try to establish limits that honor my well-being.

Yet, within this struggle lies the promise of liberation and self-respect that setting boundaries can bring. By acknowledging this challenging theme, I'm learning to view it not as a barrier, but as an essential part of my journey toward growth and self-discovery.

Remember, it's okay to assert your needs and create space for what truly matters. With empathy and perseverance, we can learn to respect our own boundaries, encouraging others to do the same.

It's a deeply human experience to want to preserve harmony and avoid discomfort for others, especially those we care about. Often, this inclination leads us to negotiate with our own boundaries, prioritizing others' feelings above our well-being.

By skirting around our boundaries, hoping to shield others from discomfort, we inadvertently undermine our own needs, sending a mixed message both to ourselves and the world.

It’s essential to remember that setting and maintaining boundaries is not an act of selfishness, but one of self-respect and authenticity.

We also have to be okay with others being wrong about us. We can acknowledge that we proceed with good intention always, and it might not make everyone feel good.

So here is your reflection question: Are you negotiating with holding your boundaries because it is just easier to avoid conflict? Remember, you can't run from this lesson.

It may feel like sidestepping conflict is the simplest route, but in reality, you'll ultimately have to overcome it to move on to your next growth opportunity.

I am all-in for my next growth opportunity, so back I go to my boundary work.

Sending you so much love this week!


P.S. I am heading into conference season this week so I would like to extend to you my 2025 Conference Coaching Special. If you sign up by October 8th, you can deposit for Transform® 9.0 and get my brand new LIVE Nutrition Training Program (48-CME Credits) as a bonus.

Further, Transform® 9.0 is now 12-months instead of 6. So, you pay the 6-month price AND you get the year. On a GLP-1 agonist? You will also gain access to our GLP-1 coaching calls, threads, and Facebook group for extra support. Want to learn more about the Conference Special? You can do so HERE.

Also, we are hosting our 2025 retreat at the Berkshires Miraval, and after adding additional spots on Friday, we are down to our last 4. They will not be able to add any more spots to this reservation. So, if you want to join me in person next fall to see what massive in-person transformation looks like, you can register HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

My Commitment to Teaching Effective Nutrition Strategy

Over 50% of adults are seeking help from doctors for weight loss, yet many of us feel unequipped to address this pressing need.

I want to express my heartfelt commitment to helping healthcare professionals become experts in nutrition, something we wish had happened in medical school. 

Throughout my journey in medicine, I've often felt the absence of a comprehensive focus on nutrition — an area that significantly impacts patient health and well-being. Understanding how to integrate nutritional knowledge into clinical practice is crucial for us as healthcare providers. 

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to share insights and practical applications with my peers, so we can empower ourselves and our patients for healthier lives.

Currently, over 50% of adults are seeking help from doctors for weight loss, yet many of us feel unequipped to address this pressing need.

As medical professionals, it’s imperative that we understand weight loss nutrition to provide the effective guidance our patients require.

This is precisely why I created my new three-part podcast series. It’s designed to equip you with essential knowledge and practical strategies in under an hour. Trust me, it's sooooooo good!

By tuning in, you will gain valuable insights that can make a real difference in your ability to assist patients on their weight loss journeys.

You can access the 3 part series HERE.

I really hope that you enjoy! I had so much fun creating!

Talk soon!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Embracing New Adventures Together!

This balance has been a wonderful reminder that we can work hard and give ourselves the space to unwind.

As the girls enjoy their time at the shore with their grandparents, we've taken the opportunity to declutter our home — an endeavor that has been both refreshing and energizing.

While we typically love heading to the shore ourselves, our recent travels compelled us to hit pause and spend some quality time with our dog at home.

But you know what? It hit me that life doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing experience. Instead of feeling bound to choose one option over the other, we decided to embrace both! We rented a dog-friendly place for the weekend, allowing us to enjoy some much-needed relaxation by the water while still progressing on our home project.

This balance has been a wonderful reminder that we can work hard and give ourselves the space to unwind. Life feels so good when we shake off the extremes and allow ourselves the joy of meeting in the middle.

Can I also say that it feels so good to have a fresh start to the school year by getting the house in shape? There’s something incredibly uplifting about shedding the old and making way for the new. All of a sudden, those chargers we can never seem to find are showing up in the most unexpected places! It’s kind of amazing, really.

Sending you so much love!


We have some fantastic things happening around here, and I can't wait to share them with you! Starting October 7th, we’re launching our nutrition training program, which offers an incredible 48 CME credits. And, you also do not have to be a healthcare professional to participate.

Now is the perfect time to join! By enrolling, you gain access to a wealth of bonus content, including engaging workshops and invigorating workouts — all conveniently available in your app.

This will be the only live training I will be teaching, so you won’t want to miss out! Plus, you’ll receive a whole year of support with regular Q&A sessions, transitioning from weekly to monthly.

Learn more HERE.

Our other get-started-NOW offerings:

Beginner Strength

Advanced Strength

Total Fitness Program

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Embracing Change and Finding Affirmation

When we are feeling extra stressed and overwhelmed, it is actually an emotional need of ours that is not being met.

The picture I am including with this post today is the one that I shared on my social media this week, and I really wanted to share it with you all here.

I wrote,

“You know when you feel some big shifts happening AND you are about to make some decisions AND you don’t know if you are doing the right thing?

Then… you review your photos from the day and realize that your face, your energy, your soul is saying- yes, you are doing the right thing.

That scenario is what this picture represents to me. Thank you to my incredible husband, Mark, for catching this moment of truth for me.”

And, here is the thing. I bet you all are coming up on some big decisions, too. I trust that you know the answer. I trust that you know what is best for you. And, I urge you to make the decision that serves YOU best.

You may not realize how much energy and effort you put out into the world. It is a ton! I want to offer that you deserve so much love for how much you care. Where will you find this love, you may ask? Create some space for the massive self-love and self-compassion that you deserve. 

Remember, when we are feeling extra stressed and overwhelmed, it is actually an emotional need of ours that is not being met. When we meet our own needs, we can continue to make good decisions for us because it becomes non-negotiable not to.

So for today’s reflection. What is it that you need? And, how can you meet that need for yourself? When you can meet this for yourself, you will be better connected with yourself, and better able to connect with others. 

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead…



PS. So much happening around HERE!!

I will be running my one and only Nutrition Training Program on October 7th. Runs 8-weeks but includes 1 year of calls with me! The content is so robust that we just got the CME credits bumped from 12 to 48!!! You can earn 48-CME credits and more importantly… learn everything that I have curated over the past 22 years! LEARN MORE HERE.

Transform® 9.0 is enrolling soon!!! We have our most amazing offer yet. 72-CME and we are for the first time ever going to YEAR-LONG ENROLLMENT. Learn more HERE.

GLP-1 Weight Loss is on fire. Next round starts in November!! You can LEARN MORE HERE.





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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Finding Abundance in Connection

When we prioritize our emotional needs, we unlock a deeper, more meaningful abundance.

Novitsky Family

Today, I want to share a powerful insight that has transformed my perspective on what it truly means to feel abundant in our lives. So often, we chase after more money or extra time, believing that these things will fill voids we might feel. However, I have discovered that the real secret to abundance lies in meeting our emotional needs.

Right now, I am embracing the joy of connection and excitement with my family, and this has profoundly enriched my life. Each laugh shared and moment savored gives me a sense of fulfillment that no amount of material wealth ever could.

When we prioritize our emotional needs, we unlock a deeper, more meaningful abundance. I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on what brings you that same sense of joy and connection. Let’s remember that true abundance isn’t about what we have; it’s about how we feel.

I just recorded a really powerful podcast on this topic, titled Finding Your "Enough": Exploring Abundance vs. Scarcity. In this episode, I delve deeper into the contrasts between these two mindsets and how they shape our daily experiences.

We often feel caught in a cycle of scarcity, believing that we are never quite enough in various aspects of our lives. This podcast aims to challenge that narrative by highlighting the importance of embracing our current realities and acknowledging our strengths. You can listen HERE.

I am off to Portland Oregon to see Olivia Rodrigo with my family!! I feel content and fulfilled… and it feels so good to be in this abundance.

Sending you so much love~

xo Ali


Want to start strength training but don't know where to start? Muscles & Mindset is for YOU!

Not a beginner at strength training and want to incorporate my mindset techniques while you work out? Advanced Strength is for YOU!!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Embrace Simplicity in Every Aspect of Life!

It’s time to declutter not only our homes, but also the choices we make in every facet of our lives.

Ali Novitsky, MD

I want to invite you to join a powerful movement that is about more than just tidying up our spaces. It’s time to declutter not only our homes, but also the choices we make in every facet of our lives.

Imagine a life where your surroundings are serene, your meals are nourishing yet uncomplicated, and your connections with friends are meaningful, free from the excess that often weighs us down. By simplifying our wardrobes and prioritizing quality over quantity, we can create a personal style that reflects our true selves, not just trends. Let’s also take a hard look at our work commitments and assess what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.

What I learned in Greece is that I crave a simple and more intentional life, where every decision aligns with my core desires. As soon as I came home from the trip, I started the process of getting rid of items that don't serve me. I am feeling lighter in this process. And, I plan to go further. I am going to spend the next week checking in with my core desires and aligning my choices in my personal and professional life to honor these desires.

Now, I invite you to join me in identifying your top three core desires. This is not just an exercise; it’s an opportunity to reconnect with what truly matters to you.

Begin by contemplating three tangible things that you want in your life. These could be as simple as a peaceful home environment, a fulfilling career, or deeper connections with loved ones.

Next, pair each desire with the emotion that drives it. Ask yourself: Why is this desire important? What feelings does it evoke? Perhaps your desire for a peaceful home brings you a sense of calm and security, or the pursuit of meaningful relationships fills you with love and joy. Allow these emotions to guide you in defining your aspirations.

Then, with every decision you have to make, take a moment to consult your core desires and choose the path that aligns most closely with them. This practice is about cultivating awareness and making choices that resonate deeply with who you are and what you truly seek. When faced with the demands of daily life, ask yourself: Does this decision nurture my desire for peace, fulfillment, and connection?

By prioritizing your core desires, you empower yourself to break free from the noise and distractions, allowing clarity to guide your path. Each choice, no matter how small, becomes an opportunity to honor your true self, leading you toward a life that feels intentional and fulfilling.

Have a wonderful and intentional week,


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Embracing Presence: My Reentry Strategy After Greece

My reentry strategy focuses on embracing presence, fostering mindfulness, and finding joy in simplicity.

Ali Novitsky, MD

I am preparing to return from an incredible journey in Greece, where I took a much-needed pause from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This trip was transformative, teaching me the importance of slowing down and sitting with the urges to constantly be productive. Instead of measuring success by my accomplishments, I began to assess my days based on how present I was in each moment.

This morning, I met a dear friend at the water's edge, a perfect setting for a peaceful start to the day. As we each put on our headphones, we immersed ourselves in our own self-guided yoga sessions, synchronizing our breath with the gentle sounds of nature. The tranquility of the water mirrored the calmness within us.

I greeted my morning friends, sharing smiles and warm hellos, before indulging in my usual cappuccino, which brought an extra burst of joy to my morning ritual. To my delight, I made friends with a new cat who wandered by, adding an unexpected charm to the experience. By 8:30 AM, I had not only embraced mindfulness through yoga and connection but also engaged in a delightful business conversation that sparked new ideas and possibilities. These moments reinforced the beauty of being present and open to the world around us.

We spent the late morning and afternoon exploring Anos Syros, its charming streets inviting us to uncover hidden gems and local treasures. Each boutique we visited offered a unique selection of gifts, and as we filled our bags with wonderful finds for our friends, we felt a sense of connection to each item, knowing it would carry a piece of our adventure back home. 

Standing atop a viewpoint that overlooked the city, we paused to take in the breathtaking panorama—rooftops glistening in the sun, the azure sea stretching endlessly beyond. As we breathed in the salty air, our hearts swelled with hope and excitement, imagining the lovely day when we would return to this vibrant place again soon. It's these moments of reflection that remind us to cherish our experiences and nurture our dreams, as they pave the way for new adventures just on the horizon.

As I reenter my daily routine, I’m bringing this valuable mindset back with me. My reentry strategy focuses on embracing presence, fostering mindfulness, and finding joy in simplicity. I will remind myself that nothing has to be a rush. In a world that often glorifies speed and hustle, it’s vital to reclaim the beauty of simplicity.

The richness of our experiences lies not in the whirlwind of activities but in the relationships we nurture. It’s the moments shared with loved ones that truly define our existence. Setting boundaries is also an act of self-care—these boundaries empower us to protect our peace and well-being, reminding us that it's okay to say no. It’s in following our desires that we discover the most epic versions of ourselves. When we listen to our inner desires, we create a life aligned with our genuine passions.

Above all, believing in yourself is the ultimate comfort; it ignites a spark that fuels your journey and helps you navigate both challenges and triumphs with grace.

Greece has truly captured my heart, and I am filled with gratitude for the experiences and insights gained during my time there. Each moment spent immersed in the beauty of my surroundings has deepened my appreciation for the richness of life. Hopefully, next week, after I return, I will be able to share the good news that my reentry is going well. I am committed to nurturing this newfound perspective and embracing presence in my daily life.

Sending you so much love!


We are so excited to serve you this year!!! We have multiple options to help you optimize your health in every way.


Muscles & Mindset: 3, 10-minute workouts per week at 3 different levels for one whole year. $199 for the year. Learn more HERE.

Advanced Strength Training: We alternate between 20 and 30 minute workouts each week for one whole year. $199 for the year. Learn more HERE.

GLP-1 Weight Loss: Coaching program for high-performing women on GLP-1 Agonists. Next program start date is September, 2024. Program opens up for enrollment on August 1st. The waitlist is going to get a special offer as soon as enrollment opens, so get on the list. You can learn more HERE.

Transform® 9.0 is our 72-CME physician coaching program where we focus on your most optimal health. Our next start date is January, 2025 and our interest list is open. We have big changes in that we are increasing the value of your investment. Our price will stay the same, however, we will be increasing the program length to one whole year! So, instead of paying $7,000 for 6-months ($1,000/month), the program is being offered at $7,000 for 1-year ($597/month). We also have our 1:1 add-on version available!! Join the interest list HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What Greece is Teaching Me About Longevity

Witnessing their practices reinforces the invaluable lessons they offer in leading a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Syros, Greece
Syros, Greece

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you from the stunning island of Syros, Greece, where I have immersed myself in both the natural beauty and the vibrant, health-conscious lifestyle of the locals.

Over the past month, I’ve had the pleasure of leading Mind-Body Workouts on the pier here, guiding around 50 incredible individuals toward improved health and well-being.

During this time, I’ve gathered some fascinating insights into longevity, inspired by the Greek way of living. The islanders’ balanced approach to nutrition, their active lifestyles, and their emphasis on community and mental wellness offer us valuable clues on how to enhance our own lives back home.

Living here, even temporarily, has reinforced my belief in the profound connection between mind, body, and environment in fostering a long and healthy life.

Each morning as I lead the workouts, I am inspired by a group of older adults serenely swimming in the crystal-clear waters. They embody the timeless secrets to longevity that we can all strive to incorporate into our lives:

  1. Community Support: They have built strong, supportive communities that offer social connections and a sense of belonging, essential for mental and emotional well-being.

  2. Regular Physical Activity: They engage in consistent physical activities such as swimming, walking, and gardening, which keep their bodies strong and resilient.

  3. Balanced Nutrition: Their diet focuses on whole, unprocessed foods, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, providing essential nutrients without overindulgence.

  4. Stress Management: They practice daily rituals such as mindfulness, meditation, and spending time in nature to manage stress effectively and maintain mental clarity.

  5. Purpose and Passion: They pursue activities they love and maintain a sense of purpose, which keeps their minds active and their spirits joyful.

Witnessing their practices reinforces the invaluable lessons they offer in leading a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Syros is giving me the space to witness what a vibrant, healthy life can look like. The island's serene atmosphere and balanced lifestyle have provided a perfect backdrop for self-reflection and growth. Living among the locals, I have experienced firsthand the profound impact of community, physical activity, and mindful living.

These powerful lessons have not only rejuvenated me, but also reignited my passion for holistic wellness.

I am so excited to bring these lessons home with me and share them with all of you, hoping to inspire and empower everyone to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Sending you love from Syros!



Check out all the ways we can support you this year!

  • Move with me for one year in my Muscles and Mindset™ program. 3 new workouts each week, all 10-minutes in length.

    Strength training is crucial as we age and this program will make it possible for you to be someone who strength trains! You can learn more about our program HERE.

  • On a GLP-1 Agonist and want to optimize your medication with my high-touch GLP-1 Coaching Program? Our next round starts in September, and we have a great offer for you to participate in our first GLP-1 year-long program. You can learn more and get on the interest list HERE.

  • Women Physicians! Transform® 9.0 interest list is open. We are making some amazing changes! Starting this January, Transform® will be moving to a year-long program! What we realize is that the women in our program need more than 6-months.

    Why would you want to consider joining this January???????? We are offering our most incredible value to date. We are offering the same price and CME, however, we are doubling the length of your program! You do NOT WANT to miss this opportunity. Get on the interest list HERE

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

The Beauty of A Simple Life

This journey has reaffirmed the beauty of simplicity and the profound happiness that comes from experiences rather than possessions.

Ali Novitsky, MD

I want to share with you our extraordinary travels in Greece, an experience that has not only been beautiful but profoundly life-changing.

Among the incredible places we've visited, the island of Mykonos stands out, especially for one breathtaking moment – watching the sunset. Words cannot do justice to the explosion of colors we witnessed as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the shimmering waters. It was a scene so awe-inspiring, it felt as though time had momentarily paused.

Living here in a small apartment has brought its own unique joys and simplicity. Imagine a life where everything just becomes easier. We walk everywhere, savoring the beautiful Greek landscapes and historic streets. Shopping for fresh produce daily has turned into an exciting ritual, where we select the best fruits, the juiciest vegetables, and engage with welcoming local vendors.

And the coffee culture! We sit at quaint little cafés for hours, sipping on aromatic coffee, indulging in meaningful conversations, and meeting fascinating new people. It's a slower pace of life that has allowed us to envision what our own lives could become, unburdened by too many "things."

This journey has reaffirmed the beauty of simplicity and the profound happiness that comes from experiences rather than possessions. We are even starting to wonder how soon we can return to Greece. The allure of this magnificent country has embedded itself deeply into our hearts. Every corner of Greece offers a new adventure, a fresh perspective, and sincere warmth from its people.

For now, we will enjoy all the time we have here and try to curate what we want to bring home with us. How can we create more simplicity? How can we create more space to reflect and grow? How can we live by different rules, possibly? These are the questions that weave through our minds as we walk through the ancient ruins, sit by the serene beaches, and share laughs with new friends.

Our vacation in Greece is not just about exploring a new land; it's about rediscovering ourselves and redefining our own sense of happiness. The lessons we've learned here will serve as inspiration, guiding us toward a simpler, more intentional way of living, no matter where our adventures take us next.

Wishing you an amazing week!!!



Check out what we have going on....

  1. What if I programmed your entire year of strength training so you can work out just 10 minutes, 3 days per week, and optimize your body composition? I can!!! Muscles & Mindset is our newest program where you work out with me for 1 year. You pick your level, and each week you get 3 new workouts. This program is 12-months access for a one time payment of $199. You can start today. Join HERE.

  2. Are you on a GLP-1 Agonist and want to optimize your weight loss? This program is cutting-edge and is supported by 5 obesity medicine docs who are experts in nutrition, fitness, and mindset work. The community is supportive and uplifting and the results that our members are getting are beyond amazing. We have individuals who came in thinking they were non-responders that are showing that this is not the case. Our next program start date is in September 2024. You can get on the waitlist so you are the first to hear about enrollment coming soon! You can learn more and join the waitlist HERE.

  3. Are you a physician who is looking for an ultra comprehensive physician coaching program offering ALL THINGS OPTIMAL HEALTH while earning CME credits? You will want to check out Transform®. Our 9th season will begin in January 2025, but you will want to get on the interest list now. We have made some amazing changes to the program and will be offering a special promotion to those on our interest list. You can learn more about the program HERE.

  4. I’ll be speaking about how stress impacts the body at the Brave Enough Conference in Montelucia, AZ in September. You can learn more about the conference and check out the other speakers HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What The Nomad Life is Teaching Me

This journey is filling me with an immense curiosity about what else is possible in life.

Novitsky Family

As I am typing to you from Syros, Greece, I wanted to share this life-changing experience with all of you. Our trip wasn't just about sightseeing; it was a conscious choice to embrace the concept of slow travel and reset our perspective on what truly matters.

Imagine waking up every morning with the Aegean Sea as your backdrop, buying fresh produce, fish, and meat directly from local markets, and savoring the flavors of a simpler life.

Each day, we walk to and from school, soaking in the vibrant culture and connecting with the community around us. One of the highlights was working out with new friends, surrounded by the awe-inspiring beauty of the Mediterranean.

This journey is filling me with an immense curiosity about what else is possible in life. It's been a reminder that we can prioritize our well-being and find joy in the everyday moments.

I had a very interesting observation as I was preparing to lead a workout for our group. We had just dropped the kids off at school and I noticed this internal clock that was telling me to hurry up and get the class started. And, then I realized that I am hours ahead of the U.S. and I did not actually have anywhere to be for the next 7 hours.

This realization was a huge wake up in the hustle routine that many of us find ourselves in. So, I started asking myself some questions. What has to get done today? Who do I have to communicate with today? What do I need today?

Sometimes it is so easy to be so set in our culture that stepping away for a longer period of time is truly necessary to reevaluate. By immersing ourselves in a different environment, we gain a fresh perspective on our lives and can identify what truly brings us happiness and fulfillment. It's in these moments of pause that we find clarity and purpose, reminding ourselves to prioritize what genuinely matters.

Stepping outside our routine allows us to shed the unnecessary stress and rediscover the joy of living more intentionally. This experience in Syros has reaffirmed the importance of slowing down, embracing new opportunities, and cherishing the small, everyday moments that make life extraordinary.

Sending you all of our love from Greece!!!!


The time I am spending on work has been purely creative and I am proud to announce a new program that will be coming out soon!!!! Want some nutrition to go with Muscles & Mindset? It is coming.

In the meantime, if you haven't signed up for Muscles & Mindset, come on in!! This is my new year-long program of 10-minute workouts, 3-days per week, that gets you through a whole year!! Imagine what you can achieve just by pushing play. This is the program that does not allow for excuses. Check it out HERE.

Transform® 8.0 starts tomorrow!!! Today is the last day to sign up!! This is our 72-CME credit physician coaching program. You can learn more and enroll HERE.

Our next GLP-1 cohort is now on waitlist!! We will be announcing enrollment soon. The next cohort will begin in September, so be sure to check out the program and get on the waitlist now!! You can learn more HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

How Screen Time Saved the Day in Greece

Here’s to finding that delicate balance and recognizing the silver linings in our everyday challenges.

Novitsky Family

I want to share a story that many of you might relate to, especially in this age of constant connectivity and digital screens. I must admit, like many parents, there are days when my kids spend a bit more time in front of screens than I would ideally like. Balancing screen time with other activities is a challenge we all face, but it’s also important to acknowledge the unexpected benefits that come from technology.

We are currently traveling in Greece and our first day in Athens, we experienced a disruption in our Verizon service. It left us in quite a bind, unsure of how to regain our connection in a foreign city. That’s when my 12-year-old stepped up. Using the knowledge and skills he had gained from his time on the internet, she figured out how to get us cell phone service. Her resourcefulness and quick thinking not only resolved our problem, but also left us incredibly proud and grateful.

This incident reminded me that while moderation is key, the digital world also equips our children with valuable skills and knowledge that can be indispensable. It taught us resilience and highlighted how adaptability can turn a stressful situation into a huge win.

So, here’s to finding that delicate balance and recognizing the silver linings in our everyday challenges. We absolutely celebrated our daughter, and we felt so proud that she is capable and clever and just fine with electronics and all.

Now, here is where the story gets good. My younger daughter noticed that she wasn't feeling as happy. And, I sat her down as asked, "Why do you think that is?" She said, "With all the travel, I have been on my iPad too much. I would like to give it up for the next month unless I need it for school or a sleepover." I was absolutely amazed. She recognized what the issue was and how she could fix it.

I was so inspired that I decided to sweeten the deal. I let her know that as a reward for sticking to her plan, we would do a girls’ weekend at a place of her choosing. She was happy and delighted and ALL-IN.

I am looking forward to what our travels to Greece will bring us as a family. Will send updates next week!!!

Talk soon!


In the meantime, check out our latest program: Muscles & Mindset, where you get to train with me for 1 year. That’s right, I have 3 new workouts each week (at the level you choose) led right on your private app! Imagine where you can be in 10 minutes, 3 days per week by this time next year. The beauty is that we are offering this amazing program for a 1-time payment of $199. You can ENROLL HERE.

Also, if you are a Woman Physician and want to work with me directly for the next 6-months where I manage your exercise, nutrition, and mindset work while earning 72-CME credits, you can check out Transform® 8.0. We do offer scholarships, so be sure to check it out HERE.

Our Optimal GLP-1 Weight Loss program is amazing!!! This is a program open to any woman who is on a GLP-1 Agonist who desires optimal weight loss. Our members are getting amazing results and cannot believe how well these tools work! Our next program is launching in August, and you can get on the waitlist HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Find and Embrace Your Zone of Genius

Recognizing and nurturing these gifts can exponentially enhance our lives, filling them with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

Hand Holding Lightbulb

I want to share something deeply personal and inspiring that I've learned and embraced – the power of discovering and operating in our zone of genius.

Each of us has unique gifts and talents that set us apart and make us extraordinary. Recognizing and nurturing these gifts can exponentially enhance our lives, filling them with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

For me, that special gift is my love for exercise and my natural ability to help others start and integrate it into their lives.

Imagine waking up every day excited and energized, knowing you're doing something that lights up your soul and serves others. That's the magic of living in your zone of genius; it's where your greatest talents meet your deepest joys, and from that junction flows a river of endless possibilities.

Many of you have gifts waiting to be discovered or given more attention. I encourage you to look into what makes you unique and how you can use these qualities to enrich your own life and the lives of those around you.

Reflect on this: you know that something is your gift when other people find it very hard, yet for you, it feels like second nature – you don't even have to think about it. These are the moments when your talents shine the brightest, effortlessly. It’s important to recognize and celebrate these gifts, for they hold the key to our true potential and happiness.

We all have something special within us, something uniquely ours that the world needs. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it guide you toward a life of greater purpose and joy. Remember, each of us contributes to the tapestry of life in a unique way, and it's by uplifting and celebrating these gifts that we create a more vibrant and enriched world for ourselves and others.

If I could gift you anything at all, it would be your most optimal health. Picture yourself brimming with vitality, waking up each day with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. This isn't just a dream – it's entirely within your reach. Join me this year, and let's help you find your love of movement. Muscles & Mindset is now enrolling!!

xo Ali

Let me be your trainer and enjoy amazing programming that has been curated just for you, at whatever level you are, in Muscles & Mindset.


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Meet One of My Greatest Teachers

Lilly has reminded us to savor each moment, to find joy in the little things, and to never take love and companionship for granted.

Lilly Novitsky

I want to share a heartfelt story about one of the most significant blessings in my life — our adorable mini Labradoodle, Lilly. When we adopted her during the peak of Covid, I could never have anticipated the incredible journey we were about to embark on.

From the moment she entered our home, this little bundle of joy brought an immense amount of love and energy into our lives. Her playful antics and unwavering loyalty have been a constant source of happiness, especially during such a trying time in the world. But beyond the joy, she has taught us immeasurable lessons in patience, empathy, and the simple pleasures of life.

Lilly also helped us recognize anxiety that we were experiencing throughout our entire household, and it is why we were able to address it head-on. It allowed our youngest daughter, Charlotte, to work through her fears and come out on the other side confident. Lilly's soothing presence and unconditional love provided Charlotte with the courage she needed to face her anxieties, offering both comfort and a sense of security. Seeing Charlotte blossom has been incredibly rewarding and a testament to the profound impact a pet can have on a family’s emotional well-being.

When any of us are sick, Lilly lays on top of us. She doesn't leave our side, providing a warmth and comfort that soothes both body and soul. It's as if she intuitively knows her presence is the best medicine we need. Her gentle, unwavering support during these times reinforces the deep bond we share with her. Truly, Lilly is more than just our pet — she's a cherished member of our family whose love and care enrich our lives in ways we never thought possible.

She's reminded us to savor each moment, to find joy in the little things, and to never take love and companionship for granted. Looking back, adopting her was one of the best decisions we've ever made. Our lives are undeniably richer, fuller, and more meaningful because of her.

Thank you for letting me share this with you.

Sending all of my love,


Lot's happening at The FIT Collective.

Check it out.

Transform® 8.0

Retreat at the Berkshires

Muscles and Mindset - Coming June 17th

31 Days of FIT

Fit Woman Collective 

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Connection, Innovation, and Growth is Happening

We have listened to your feedback and are working diligently to introduce new programs and initiatives that resonate with your needs and aspirations.

Heart Flowers

I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and excitement for the journey ahead. This year is all about giving back, holding space, and creation. It's a year where we continue to cultivate a community that not only supports but also uplifts one another.

I am thrilled to announce that we will be offering more options and greater value than ever before. We have listened to your feedback and are working diligently to introduce new programs and initiatives that resonate with your needs and aspirations. Our goal is to foster a space where you feel empowered, valued, and inspired to create.

But that's not all — I am genuinely looking forward to the possibility of meeting more of you in person this year. Building connections and sharing experiences face-to-face adds a unique, heartfelt dimension to our community. Your presence and stories enrich us all, and I can't wait to learn from you and grow together.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey. Let's make this year a remarkable one filled with compassion, creativity, and collective growth.

What We Have For You

This year, we have crafted a lineup of exciting programs and resources designed to make a tangible difference in your journey. Our new initiatives are built around the core values of community, growth, and innovation.

Remember, your growth is our growth, and together we can accomplish extraordinary things. Let's embrace this year with the enthusiasm and dedication it deserves, and make the most of the opportunities ahead.

Introducing the Muscles and Mindset Program

The Muscles and Mindset Program is coming!! Are you ready to transform your strength and mindset with just three 10-minute sessions per week? Our program is meticulously designed to cater to all fitness levels, ensuring that everyone can participate and benefit.

  • Level 1: Perfect for those who need a chair for support, this level focuses on building foundational strength and stability.

  • Level 2: Our intermediate program, tailored for individuals who can move from ground to standing, will help you advance your strength and mobility.

  • Level 3: For those ready to tackle compound movements, this level is designed to push your limits and maximize your gains.

Get on the waitlist HERE and be among the first to embark on this empowering journey. We go LIVE on June 17th! Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your strength and mindset.

Join Our Next Round of Optimal GLP-1 Weight Loss

Are you ready to take the next step in your weight loss journey? We are incredibly excited to announce the next round of our Optimal GLP-1 Weight Loss program! This high touch coaching program is specifically designed for individuals on a GLP-1 agonist, providing you with the dedicated support and guidance you need to achieve phenomenal results.

We are just one month into our first round, and the outcomes have been nothing short of mind-blowing! Participants are already experiencing significant transformations, both in terms of weight loss and overall well-being.

This program is tailored to maximize your success, harnessing the unique benefits of GLP-1 agonists while fostering a supportive and motivating community.

Don't miss your chance to be part of this extraordinary journey. Get on the waitlist HERE and prepare to unlock your full potential. Together, we can make incredible strides toward your weight loss goals.

Transform® 8.0: Our Bonus Sessions Start Tonight

It's finally time to take the leap with Transform® 8.0! This innovative program is designed to elevate your fitness and well-being to new heights, and our bonus sessions start tonight. Don't miss out on an incredible opportunity to kickstart your transformation journey with expert guidance and a supportive community.

You can learn all about the program and sign up HERE. What's even more exciting is that our discounted rate is still available through this evening! There's never been a better time to invest in yourself and commit to a healthier, stronger you. Join us and be part of a movement that transforms lives – starting with yours.

We will be announcing our other offerings soon! And, as always… we love hearing from you. Just reply to this email with any questions.



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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What Taylor Swift Taught Me About Gratitude

Together, we can create a culture where acknowledgment and gratitude are the norms, uplifting each other one thank you at a time.

Taylor Swift Logo

I want to share an important tip that has the power to transform our everyday interactions significantly — focusing on the positives in life, one ‘thank you’ at a time.

Too often, we find ourselves shying away or downplaying our successes when we receive compliments. This habit not only diminishes our achievements, but also undermines the positive energy others are trying to share with us. As we continually strive for personal growth and a more fulfilling life, it's essential to recognize and embrace our successes.

Let’s follow Taylor Swift’s lead. Known for her resilience and bright outlook, she has a simple yet impactful way of accepting compliments. Whenever she receives a compliment, she responds with sincerity and grace: "Thank you, thank you for saying that."

Imagine the positivity we could cultivate by adopting this approach in our own lives. By acknowledging and accepting compliments with gratitude, we reinforce our self-worth and inspire others to express their appreciation openly. It’s a small shift that can lead to a more positive mindset and foster a mutually supportive environment.

So, next time someone pays you a compliment, instead of brushing it off, take a deep breath, smile, and say, "Thank you, thank you for saying that." Embrace the positive energy and let it elevate you. Together, we can create a culture where acknowledgment and gratitude are the norms, uplifting each other one thank you at a time.

Speaking of Taylor...

Taylor Swift is inspirational, both for her musical genius and her unwavering resilience. Her new album is a testament to her growth and versatility as an artist. When you listen to her new album, you'll begin to uncover layers of lyrical brilliance and emotional depth that only Taylor could deliver. Each track feels like a new story, painted with vivid imagery and heartfelt emotion.

Do you have a favorite song from the album? I find myself obsessed with so many! Each one resonates differently, whether it's the catchy melody, the poignant lyrics, or the powerful vocals. Her music has this incredible ability to connect on a deeply personal level, making every song feel like it's written just for you. Let’s share our favorites and celebrate the genius that is Taylor Swift together!

By celebrating each other's achievements and finding inspiration in role models like Taylor, we contribute to a supportive and empowering community. After all, building up strong women is what we are all about. It's about lifting each other up, creating spaces where everyone feels valued, and recognizing the unique strengths that each individual brings to the table.

We thrive when we stand together, offering encouragement and celebrating milestones, big or small. Let's continue to champion each other's victories and create an environment where every woman feels confident, inspired, and unstoppable.

Remember, your journey is just as important and impactful as those you look up to. Together, we can move mountains and make a difference.

Have an amazing week!!

xo Ali

Here are our current offerings:

Transform® 8.0 (Early Bird Available Until June 1st)

Berkshires Retreat

31 Days of FIT


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Learn Your Craft, Excel At It, Create Maximum Impact With It

Your dreams, your aspirations, and your potential are limitless. With dedication to mastering your craft and a vision to create an impact

Potter's Wheel

I'm writing this with a heart full of gratitude, and to share a spark of inspiration that I hope ignites a flame within you.

Reflecting on my journey, I am reminded of a recent conversation I had with our 17-year-old babysitter. In the midst of our discussion, I found myself sharing a piece of advice that has been a guiding light in my own life: "Go to school and learn a craft. Become excellent at that craft and then decide how you can create maximum impact."

This simple yet profound principle has led me to where I am today — a physician deeply passionate about promoting optimal health. It has been a remarkable journey, turning my dream career into a reality.

The beauty of this path is how it has expanded beyond my initial dreams. Not only do I have the privilege of serving my fellow physicians, but our mission has also extended to directly supporting patients. The impact we are creating together is growing day by day, and believe me when I say, we are just getting started. There is so much on the horizon that we can't wait to share with you!

But here's the thing. The core of my message today is not just about sharing my own story. It's about reminding you that this path, this possibility of creating a career you dream of and making an impactful difference in the world, is within your reach, too.

Your dreams, your aspirations, and your potential are limitless. With dedication to mastering your craft and a vision to create an impact, you too can build a career that not only fulfills you but also contributes to the greater good.

We are in this beautiful journey together, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

Stay tuned for the exciting things we have in store, and remember, we believe in you and the incredible impact you are destined to make.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for allowing me to share this moment of reflection and anticipation with you. Here's to the incredible ventures that lie ahead, for all of us.

With deepest gratitude,


Here are Our Current Offerings:


31 Days of FIT

Fit Woman Collective™ (FWC)

Berkshires Retreat (1 spot left)

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Step Into a Life of Abundance by Honoring Your Core Desires

I believe that each of us has our own set of core desires, unique and deeply personal. The question is, do you feel abundant in what matters most to you?


Today, I want to share something deeply personal yet universally relevant - the essence of living a life overflowing with abundance by staying true to our core desires.

Like many, I've sought to understand what it truly means to lead a fulfilling life. For me, the pillars of a life well-lived are rooted in freedom, connection, love, and peace. Reflecting on these aspects, I realized that when I measure my life against these core desires, I am overwhelmingly abundant, scoring a resolute 10/10. This realization profoundly shifted my perspective, dissolving any fears of scarcity or lack, and replaced them with a deep sense of gratitude and fulfillment.

But why am I sharing this with you? Because I believe that each of us has our own set of core desires, unique and deeply personal. The question is, do you feel abundant in what matters most to you? When fear whispers tales of insufficiency, remind yourself of your abundance in those core desires that you cherish.

I invite you to take a moment to ponder how you wish to exist in this life. How do you want to feel every day? What are those feelings that mean the most to you, and how can you cultivate an abundance of those in your life?

This isn't just about setting goals; it's about aligning your everyday existence with the essence of who you truly are and what you genuinely long for.

This approach to life is not only powerful - it's liberating. It moves us beyond the superficial and transient, bringing us into alignment with our truest selves and the universal energies that nurture and sustain us.

Take this as an invitation to look inward, to discover and honor those core desires that define your most authentic self. Work toward feeling abundant in those desires, and watch as your life transforms, filled with a richness that material possessions can never offer.

Here's to living a life of true abundance, where fears of 'not enough' have no place, and where every moment is an affirmation of our deepest desires and highest aspirations.

Sending you all my love for an amazing week!


P.S. Optimal GLP-1 Weight Loss is enrolling until May 1st (our start date). Take advantage of becoming a Beta Member in our newest program. You can learn more HERE.

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