Change Takes Time… And Grace.

Ali Novitsky, MD and Mark Novitsky

One of the things I am focusing on this year is more connection in my life.

I faced the tough reality that while I do love my life, I became somewhat disconnected from it. The best way I can describe this is it seemed as though my life was happening and I was watching it (sort of), but I wasn’t in it. I wasn’t feeling the highs and lows of emotion; it was almost as if I were numb.

Now, this is a hard thing to admit, especially to you all. I am a life coach, I live and breathe this work. I should have it figured out, right? Wrong.

What I discovered is that I didn’t realize there was a problem, and when I did start to notice that there may be, I engaged in some pretty harsh negative self-talk. I was not giving myself the grace and space that I needed.

And, then it hit me. Am I following any of my own advice?

Nutrition- yes. Exercise- yes. Which makes sense that I have achieved my physical health goals this year. But, everything else felt as though it was falling short. My husband Mark and I were not as connected. I felt my parenting was having a negative impact on our girls. I was working non-stop. I had no space because I was not creating boundaries.

I knew I needed to do something. I needed to start with meeting myself where I was, giving myself grace and gratitude. Grace to realize that nothing has gone wrong, but realize what I do and do not want in my life. Gratitude in that I love the life that Mark and I have built. But, now it was time to get in it.

We had to have some difficult, soul searching conversations, we had to take actions, we had to get real. I had to hear it was noticeable that I was not engaged in my personal life the way that others craved me to be. And, that I actually was craving, too.

This. Is. Life.

Life is unpredictable. There is never a perfect time. There will never be more than 24 hours in a day. We will constantly have to work to hold our sacred space. We will have to get rid of toxic relationships. We will have to ask for help. Yes, help. For the love, we all get to ask for help.

So, today… on this beautiful Sunday… I want you to dig deep. What do you need right now? What do you desire? Are you in your life?

Wherever you are, it’s perfect. Just meet yourself there. It is the kindest, most compassionate thing that you can do. And, it will empower you to go on a journey of self-discovery. That is what I have committed to. That is where I am going.

What difficult things do you have to face to live your authentic life? Don’t be afraid of what comes up; it can’t hurt you. Walk toward it. I will be walking with you.

Sending all my love. I see you.



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About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

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