What Does Your Desk Say About You?

Benefits of Decluttering

Is your desk a reflection of your mind, OR, does your mind dictate what your desk looks like?

Could it be a little bit of both?
When I thought about this… I would have to say that it is both for me.
So, when I decide to clean up my desk, am I more willing to manage my mind? A big YESSSSS here.

Decluttering your desk is a great first step to setting boundaries and making space for yourself.
So, I ask you - how would you uplevel your life by committing to decluttering all around?
Some benefits of decluttering:
Boost your mood.
The act of decluttering in itself can be a relaxing task that allows our minds to rest and wander.
Sharpen your focus.
It's easy to get distracted when our desks are messy. Decluttering can help remove that source of distraction.
Energize you into productivity mode.
It feels great to see the end result of our efforts. Plus, a clean workspace can be a great boost to your motivation and productivity levels.
Relieve anxiety.
Clutter causes increased stress levels in many people. So cleaning your space could be just what you need to find some much-needed peace.
Learn more about the importance of making space for yourself in this article.


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

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