My Progress Update From Last Week

Couple holding hands

Last Sunday, I shared with you what I was working on this year, based on my core desires of: connection, adventure, peace, and freedom. I am really focusing on connection right now.

I know I am so much more peaceful when I am connected, and particularly with my husband Mark. In my Mastermind Group, we are exploring core desires and how they relate to our stress scale.

What we discovered is that to honor our core desires, we actually have to be lower on our stress scale. Mind-blowing discovery, really.

Today I wanted to share with you what I did this week to lower my stress and find reconnection. I will say that these strategies are working.  

The first strategy is that Mark and I now have a dedicated daily check-in that involves 3 categories: parenting and scheduling, couple goals, and business talk.

Knowing this check-in is non-negotiable has allowed me to have less urges to text him haphazardly throughout the day. And if I do have the urge, I can rest assured that we have dedicated time to discuss.

The next thing that we did is huge. We reinstated our weekly date night. We were so good about this… until the Covid shutdowns. And, our new habit became that we did everything as a family. So, we were delighted to find a wonderful babysitter who is now scheduled for weekly Thursday nights.

This past Thursday was amazing. We laughed, we connected, and we get to look forward to next week.

My third strategy was adopting the mindset that I get to unmarry any result. My work is to be present on my journey.

When I bring myself back to the moment - I get to be in my own life as it is right now. I am more in tune and aware of what I am experiencing and why that is.

I have to say, I am proud of myself. I think it is so important that we celebrate and honor ourselves. I am super proud of getting “real” with myself, having the hard conversations, and making the next best decision for myself. We are all doing the best we can with the tools that we have. 

So, instead of trying to do better… why don’t we just add more tools to our belts?

Sending you lots of love…



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About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

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Ali Novitsky, MD

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Change Takes Time… And Grace.