What Does Your Heart Desire?

Red Heart Question Mark

We are so often bombarded with the idea that weight loss is the ultimate goal and means to our happiness.

But buying into this idea will leave us consumed in the never-ending pursuit of what we think will make us happy, rather than helping us achieve optimal health.  

So, if weight loss isn't the goal, then what is? 

To answer this question, you must be willing to do the work to discover your primary goal. So, I propose we start with another question.

What do you really want? What desire or need is driving you to lose weight or pursue fitness in the first place? Is it body acceptance, increased energy, food freedom, more peace, or fun in your life?

There are so many possible answers to this question, and each one will be specific to the individual answering it. Your primary goal is your why– the foundation to build your optimal health strategy upon. 

Once we’ve determined your primary goal, then we can get to work on what could be holding you back from reaching it. This is where we dig into your unique perception of the world and how it shapes your habits.

Certain patterns of thinking, such as an all-or-none mindset, perfectionism, a need for control, or a tendency to disqualify the positive, lead to habits that will work against you as you strive to meet your goals.

I invite you to dive deeper into this topic with me in my latest podcast episode, So Much More Than Weight Loss, Part 1, HERE

And if you haven't already subscribed, check out my new YouTube channel HERE



Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

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Ali Novitsky, MD

Change Takes Time… And Grace.


Optimal Weight Loss Protects Our Muscle