Sharing Some of My Top Tips for Optimal Health

Pearls for Optimal Health from Ali Novitsky, MD

Over the past few weeks, I have shared with you a lot of important content to help on your journey to optimal health. There were tons of pearls that I don’t want you to miss. So here we go…


Food Freedom Strategy 101: Get Snobby with your extras!!

Extras are things that you enjoy to the max, but when overdone can derail your results.

Adopt my Snobby Tip. We have been super successful helping our ladies find food freedom AND achieve results.

If you are going to drink alcohol, pick the most enjoyable high quality drink… doesn’t taste good, stop drinking it. Get snobby.

Craving some chocolate and you only have a half-eaten snickers in the pantry? Throw it out, drive to the store, and buy the best chocolate. Get snobby.

Chicken nuggets look good on your kid’s leftover plate? Make yourself a fresh batch. If you are not willing to make a fresh batch, you don’t really want them. Get snobby.

Your ice cream has ice chunks in it. Get snobby.

The bread at the table is stale-ish. Get snobby.

You are precious beings, my friends… so get snobby. You deserve the best


Eating your meals out can easily fit into a nutrition strategy that will serve your goals. Here are a few tips I rely on because I enjoy eating at restaurants and I equally enjoy results.

1- Assess your hunger accurately. This simple step will help you to focus on the amount you will order.

2- Ask yourself, what could you eat (off the menu) that will allow you to leave the restaurant feeling energetic AND satisfied?

3- Appetizers are a good thing. Start with a protein-rich option and eat slowly. This will start the digestion process early (which is key for those of us who have a weak fullness signal). Check in with your hunger after you eat your appetizer, because you may decide to wrap your complete entree up or eat less than you otherwise would.

4- For your main, look for the items that are heavy with veggies. My rule of thumb is, a palm of protein and a cupped hand of starchy complex carbs, add some fat, and eat up the veggies.

5- What about extras? Things like bread, dessert, and alcohol. Choose bread OR dessert OR alcohol. Or get creative; I often order an Old Fashioned and commit to 3 bites of my kids’ dessert.


Exercise and BDNF- why you need to know about this amazing protein molecule that increases during exercise.

BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) release can help to optimize brain plasticity outcomes via exercise interventions. 

BDNF is found in regions of the brain that control: eating, drinking, and body weight. If we maintain normal levels, we can create profound homeostasis to optimize our health. 

Did you know that some of us have suboptimal BDNF based on our genetics???? I can determine this with a gene test we are now using in our programs.

Besides enhancing BDNF, why do we exercise???

- change how we think

- preserve lean muscle mass

- develop functional fitness

- lower our risk for chronic disease

- reverse and prevent osteoporosis (I have seen this occur in my groups)

- to feel amazing


Dr. Andrea Strathman is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Wake Forest Medical Center, who specializes in Neuroanesthesiology. Over the past three years, Andrea has lost 55 pounds and has maintained it for over 4 years through my Mindful Macros® plan. She has seen a total transformation in every area of her life and is here to share her amazing and inspirational story.

How 10 Minutes Changed Everything

Back in 2018, Andrea was letting her personal health and happiness take a back seat to everything else in her life. Then she was introduced to a daily 10-minute workout challenge I was hosting; things started to change. Once Andrea recognized that her engrained thoughts around her relationship with food were sabotaging the health changes she wanted to make, achieving significant sustainable results came easily.

Combining my Mindful Macros® plan with an intuitive approach to eating and a mindset shift toward daily exercise, Andrea adapted these strategies to work into her own life easier and has never looked back.

You Are Worth It!!

Dr. Strathman wants you to know that it is worth whatever time you have, even if it is just incremental baby steps, to make yourself better. Feeling more confident in her own skin has improved everything in Andrea’s life, from her family to her work, without making drastic changes in her daily routine. It doesn't take a lot of time or energy to feel better and create long-term sustainable habits, and you are worth it.


You are doing all the right things but you aren’t making progress? This is a common complaint that I hear daily … so I have decided to put together a free 5-session series called - So Much More Than Weight Loss

I am going to teach some key lifestyle modifications that will allow you to enjoy and appreciate the here and now while you start to make progress toward your unique goals.

So much more than weight loss is about honoring your unique body and diving deeper into your why.

We will talk about:

1) Weight Loss May Not Be The Answer.

2) What Are You Really Looking For?

3) GOALS: Intuitive Optimal Health Principles.

4) Energy Expenditure and Hormones: Impact on Weight Loss.

5) Rethink Weight Loss, Embrace Body Recomposition.


See you there!!!

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

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Optimal Weight Loss Protects Our Muscle


So Much More Than Weight Loss