Do Not Lose Weight This Year

Do not lose weight as your primary goal this year.

Can you imagine your doctor telling you this?

Coming in today to let you in on a couple of little secrets.

First secret: weight loss with a PURE weight loss focus is not the answer.

And, to be honest… I wish it were because it would be way easier. I really wish that watching the number on the scale go down could bring us happiness, contentment, and all the things we believe it will. It’s not our fault though… we have been conditioned to believe this.

Second secret: watching the number on the scale go down may not be a good thing if we do not adopt a focus on optimal body recomposition. Let me explain.

If we are not doing some key things to preserve lean muscle mass, for every pound on the scale that we lose, we could be losing 25% lean mass. No Thank You!! This means our basal metabolic rate will surely go down and we will have a very difficult time with maintaining our perceived “goal weight.”

Let’s do ourselves a favor and start focusing on the right things. The things that will bring us happiness, peace, more contentment. There is no number in the world that will bring those things. Over the next month, I am going to be talking about these things on my social media channels and on my podcast.

But for today… here is a bit on a body recomposition focus versus a weight loss focus - which are very different goals. 

Weight loss means your body is losing mass, not necessarily adipose tissue

Body recomposition means we are optimizing our lean mass

Weight loss means the number on the scale goes down

Optimal body recomposition means body fat percentage is going down until desired level reached

Weight loss does not require exercise

Optimal body recomposition requires strength training

Weight loss is works passively

Optimal body recomposition is active

Why body recomposition? So that as we age we can be the strongest, healthiest, most bada$$ version of ourselves. I’m in. Cheers to carrying our groceries when we are 90.

I highly recommend you check out one of my latest podcast episodes: Why Your Diet Isn’t Working. You can access the episode HERE. And if you are not already subscribed, make sure you do.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

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