The Biggest Act of Self-Care: Renting a Dumpster


I want to share something HUGE with you.

I did a thing - I rented a giant dumpster to facilitate my spring cleaning.

This is how it started.

I was looking around my house… the one that I have become very intimate with over the last year. And, let’s just say that I will now consider it a “hot mess.”

We have accumulated anything and everything that you could imagine. Every drawer is full. Everywhere I look - clutter. It was feeling suffocating. I wanted a clear space to feel light and airy, and my house had become just the opposite.

So, I messaged my husband Mark and said, “Thoughts on renting a dumpster?” Now - I knew that I had to be very strategic because Mark does not like to part with ANYTHING. But, he was starting to see that this was probably a good idea. I got the go, and called the right away to get our rental on the books. 

The dumpster arrived. I felt at peace.

But… I also felt overwhelmed.

I knew that I had to look through all the stuff and decide what stays and what goes. Which brings me to the point of this post. I am going to go out on a limb and say that we are all in the need of a Thought Dumpster.

That’s right. A dumpster that we can put the thoughts that are simply weighing us down. The ones that we want to get rid of for good. 

Day after day, we collect thoughts. Lots of them. Some of them are awesome… others are not so awesome.

Over time, our brain becomes cluttered if we are not doing maintenance. So, then what happens is that we are completely overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Potentially, my rented dumpster could remain empty. But that would be a waste. It is a waste when we don’t make it a routine practice to dump the thoughts that are dragging us down.

So what kinds of things do we put in a dumpster?

The things that serve no purpose... not needed anymore… were never needed. Just like some of our thoughts that serve no purpose… not needed anymore… were never needed.

So where do we start?

The key is to just start.

First, survey all of the thoughts that you have going on with a daily thought dump. This is where you vent to your journal. Once you see all that is there, you can start dumping - immediately. Just like we take out the garbage, we have to cleanse our brains of the junk.

If the thought doesn’t create an amazing feeling, throw it away. To feel our best, we have to think the best thoughts. Just like things you choose to keep, we also get to choose our thoughts. So choose wisely!!

I am sooooooo looking forward to a decluttered spring. My house and my mind will have all they need. I highly recommend you join me.


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