Mind-Body Physician Coaching for Lasting Results

The Must-Try Self-Care Program to Cure Physician Burnout
By Dr. Ali Novitsky, M.D.

“Are you creating your thoughts? Or, are your thoughts creating you?"  — Brooke Castillo

“Are you creating your thoughts? Or, are your thoughts creating you?"  — Brooke Castillo


Many healthcare professionals are hesitant to start a new self-care program because we have tried so many in the past that took a lot of time, money, and energy, but didn’t yield any long-term results. 

Let’s face it, many doctors, especially women, just feel worn out. Often, by the time we get home at the end of a long day in the medical field, the last person we focus on is ourselves.

As doctors, we know we need to take care of our bodies and mental health, but we tend to push through the feelings of burning the candle at both ends.

We tell ourselves lies like, “I don’t have time to work out,” or, “I just need to suck it up and get through this,” instead of addressing the root causes behind why we don’t feel good in the first place.

This is why I developed a custom physician coaching program, from my personal experience leaving stress, exhaustion, and burnout behind.

My program is a mind-body approach that includes a flexible nutrition plan, live workouts and intensive group coaching, as well as peer accountability that leads to life-changing, positive results.

I don’t believe in forcing ourselves into standardized, one-type-fits-all exercise programs we don’t enjoy. Routines that leave us depleted, instead of energized and inspired. I also don’t believe in restricting our diets or eliminating foods we love just to hit an arbitrary “goal weight.”

What I do believe in is real-life results, like your clothes fitting better, being comfortable in your own skin, and feeling in control of your emotions at all times.

Learn more about why my customized physician coaching approach gets real results that last!

Why Does My Physician Coaching Formula Work?

1) This is a mind-body wellness program exclusively tailored to women physicians.

No one understands the unique demands and pressures of being a woman in the medical field as well as other female doctors.

In my program, you get support from your peers — other wellness-focused women physicians, who want to see you succeed and push you to reach your goals.

Joining a like-minded community of positive women who uplift and motivate each other, makes all the difference in transforming our lives from the inside out.

I am also highly involved in this program and will be there to encourage you multiple times a week, with live workouts and intensive, group coaching from one doctor to another. 

2) I  understand your thoughts shape your body (and vice versa!) 

Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about. We have all had a hard week on the job where everything that could go wrong did and then reached for that pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, maybe even finished off the whole container to drown our emotions, then immediately felt guilty about it after. What ends up happening? The next day we feel bloated, and depressed, which causes us to feel unattractive and lack confidence. We begin anticipating the next rejection, repeating the same cycle of frustration and emotional avoidance.

Ironically, instead of alleviating the original feeling, we were trying to avoid, that emotion is intensified.

Often we overindulge because we’re unhappy about something in our lives and are just seeking comfort. In reality, we are just compounding the problem.

By using bad coping habits, like over or under-eating, over-spending, or drinking too much to distract ourselves and avoid our feelings, we make those painful emotions we are trying to suppress WORSE.

Then we are right back where we started with the root cause of it all . . . which is almost always rooted in a lack of self-worth and not feeling good enough. We end up reinforcing that initial pain when we don’t face how we really feel.

This is also a key cause of physician burnout — the lack of association between our feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
And blaming your busy lifestyle is an avoidance mechanism also.

“According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts.”


This pattern can become so ingrained and habitual that we aren’t even aware of it. I help you identify these bad habits and flip the script of negative self-talk in your mind.

In this wellness program for physicians, I teach you how to reset your thinking so you can re-shape not just your body, but your mind too.

3) I focus on healing our biggest emotional triggers first.

Once we have identified these self-limiting beliefs, we have to give ourselves time to feel and process them to see change and growth. My method is based on a “thought model” approach and cognitive-behavioral psychology techniques.

I first learned about the transformative power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) when I was recovering from post-partum depression.

The truth is . . . I was struggling . . . and CBT was the technique that finally worked for me. I figured if it could get me out of the dark hole I was in, it could also help other women doctors who were feeling stuck in the hamster wheel of their busy lives.

We don’t realize how often what we think about turns into how we feel about ourselves.

And those repetitive, self-sabotaging thought patterns end up affecting our health, relationships, and potential for success. My goal is to help you unearth any subconscious beliefs that are holding you back and help you move them on so you can make room to grow.

If we never bring awareness to these patterns we keep repeating them, making us feel trapped in a cycle that feels hopeless, disappointed, and uninspired.

When we don’t process our emotions they become habitual, self-destructive beliefs, and our beliefs eventually become actions.

In other words, our beliefs become our reality.

If we never acknowledge how we feel and deal with it, we stay in the dark and our life feels stagnant.

In my program, I help you identify these defeating mindset blocks and release them, so you can live with true emotional freedom and be resilient in any situation.

The end result is you gain the ability to control your feelings instead of your emotions controlling you. And that is true freedom that allows you to live with peace, clarity, and happiness long-term.

4) I don’t use a cookie-cutter approach to fitness and nutrition plans because every person’s body responds differently.

Start by taking my free body-type quiz to get an idea of what your body’s unique needs are.

We are not all the same and our bodies don’t all respond the same way. Once we know our body type, we can customize what workout routines and nutrition plans it will respond to. Also, wellness programs for doctors need to be sustainable. For example, if your lifestyle is busy and I give you an intense routine that has to be done three times a day, eventually you will just stop doing it because you can’t keep it up.

You have to figure out what's going to work for you, your lifestyle, and your body that you can maintain long-term.

Another thing I often notice is people feel like their metabolism has changed permanently. This isn't true, it's just that your body's needs may be different and you have to figure out what your body needs for fuel.

I recommend one power meal a day and that's based on what your body needs, not just a set calorie count or some other arbitrary system that's meant to be the same for many different people.

This is a custom program based on what exactly your body needs to thrive. I give you do-able workouts that aren’t exhausting and intense, so you look forward to doing them.

5) I use science to re-wire our brains and outsmart our biology!

Neuroplasticity, the ability of our brains to adapt and change, is a key ingredient in my client’s transformations. The idea of neuroplasticity is closely tied to a growth mindset because we often have to overcome thought patterns that have been there since childhood. This article, “Body & Brain, What is Neuroplasticity? A Psychologist Explains,” from positivepsychology.com, states, 

“The concepts mirror each other; a growth mindset is a mindset that one’s innate skills, talents, and abilities can be developed and/or improved with determination, while neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to adapt and develop beyond the usual developmental period of childhood.” (

A huge tenet of my physician coaching wellness program for doctors is training women that they can control their thoughts by learning to identify negative beliefs as they arise and transmute them into more positive, hopeful ideas right away.

Catching the negative self-talk train before it leaves the station, prevents these thoughts from turning into bad habits that keep you stuck where you are. Even trauma survivors can re-wire their brains, and when we accept that we can change our thought patterns at will, we re-program our brains to expect success instead of failure.

Integrating thought work into a wellness program, especially for doctors, prevents and cures physician burnout.

The way I approach physician coaching is very different from most traditional, single-modality programs. I believe we can’t just focus on our bodies while ignoring our minds. Often the plateaus we hit in our fitness are rooted in our self-limiting beliefs. We have to start there if we want to see real, lasting change, and I do that with a strategic, science-based approach.

We all want freedom, but we also want to see our hard work rewarded with noticeable change.

My program gives you all the tools you need to heal your mind and body in a convenient, supportive group coaching setting.

In 6 months, if you stick with me and follow my thoroughly-researched guidance, you will be a WHOLE NEW YOU. 

We all know the importance of self-care as doctors, but how often do we focus on it for ourselves?

Imagine having clarity, peace of mind, AND a body you feel confident about in less than half a year! If you’re ready to TRANSFORM your life, apply now at the link below.

Don’t go another day feeling weighed down and burned out. Now is the time to reclaim your vitality and personal power to change your life and start feeling energetic and fulfilled again. 

Remember that youthful energy and the “I’m ready to conquer the world” inspiration you had when you first got out of med school?

I help you get that feeling back in only 6 months while earning continuing education credits.

Apply for my 6-Month Physician Coaching Program and Gain 48 CME Credits!

View the CME curriculum here.

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