Lean Into The Journey… Trust The Process

The Journey is on - Sign

We are in full swing over here at Life Coaching for Women Physicians as we have just wrapped up our summer luxury retreat, we started our 4-week Jump Start™ program, we are currently enrolling our amazing Limitless™ program, we are taking enrollments for Transform® 5.0, we are preparing for our fall retreat in Utah, and Mark and I are currently in Amelia Island where I am leading Mind-Body workouts at the Women Physician Wellness Conference.

Things are busy.

I have to be honest; I found myself more restless than normal. And, what I realized is that I was not taking my own advice and leaning into the moment. My mind was 10 steps ahead. Everything was feeling so fast.

I realized I was falling into old patterns of expecting that if I take action as quickly as possible, then the results will follow as quickly as possible, too. And, what I know about this pattern is that it is a HIGH PRESSURE way to live.

I did a deep dive and realized that I was marrying the result of everything in my life.

So, I was completely bypassing all of the amazing things that were available to me on the journey. Embracing the journey is where the magic lives because this is where LIFE happens. The journey is our life bookmarked by thousands of different results. But, you see - the results are just the bookmarks.

Think about this.

What would happen if you leaned into your journey? How does it feel? What sensation comes up? What if we could believe that leaning into our journey would actually allow us to achieve the results that are the most authentic to us?

Leaning into the journey requires you to understand you… to spend time on investing in you. What do you want for you? Have you thought about this recently?

When we bypass the journey and continue to focus on the result, we will be limiting ourselves to the things that are available to us right now.

You can be happy now.

You can find peace now.

You can be content now.

You can work toward your optimal health now.

You can create dreams now.

You can make the next best decision now.

There is so much available to you now. Do you see?

Leaning into the journey gives you more time. One of our biggest complaints, right?

Here is my example. This comes up all the time.

When someone wants to lose body fat, they often complain the results are slow! This would imply that time is going slowly… right?

So, if we want time to slow down, then why don’t we embrace “slow results?” When I thought of this analogy, I decided I wanted my results to take as long as possible. It also did something amazing for me… It allowed me to trust myself more and to trust the process.

The process is the journey. If you can lean in to your authentic journey and trust the process, you can trust yourself. Self-trust leads to more self-compassion and ultimately a better relationship with ourselves.

What if, today, we can simply commit to letting go of all the burdens and expectations… and just BE?

Nothing needs to be done right now. No decisions need to be made. At this moment, what do you need right now? Can you lean in? Try it.

Then tomorrow… take a moment and do the same. If you go through this process on rinse and repeat, then your bookend results will likely surprise you.

Do not limit your success by confining yourself to the results that you “think you should get.” Surpass them by leaning into the journey. Trust The Process. You are worth it.

Wishing you an amazing week my friends!!! And, I invite you to check out some of the amazing things we have planned this year for you!!!



Check out our All-Access Program, Limitless™. Our program runs November 2022 - October 2023 and includes every single one of our offerings!! It’s an All-Access Pass to the most amazing year of your life. 204 CME credits available.

All programs can all be taken on their own. We are now open for enrollment for Transform® 5.0. You can learn more HERE. If you deposit for Transform® 5.0, we are including our November Jump Startwith Ali Program. This is an additional 12-CME credits that will offer the ultimate onboarding experience to Transform® 5.0.

About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

Follow Ali Novitsky, MD on Facebook or Instagram.

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