Emotional Eating? What Our Genetics Can Tell Us.

Many of us are predisposed, and we are just finding out now!

Ali Novitsky, MD - Life Coach for Women Physicians

I have so much excitement to share with you. I spent this past week on sessions with Daniel VanDorn, co-creator of Genomind Mental Health Map, to help me put the finishing touches on my latest offering: Jump Start Your Genetics!!

So, let me give you a little background first.

Almost 10 years ago my husband Mark, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, started to use Genomind testing to help him select proper medications for his patients. The days of prescribing just any medication for anxiety, depression, ADHD are becoming a way of the past. Our genetic testing can actually reveal how our brain is wired and firing, so that we can give it the correct pharmacology.

Once I saw how many people he was helping, I became a huge fan of Genomind. When the mental health map came out a couple of years ago, I knew that I wanted to use it in my health coaching, but I also knew that I needed to learn more.

Fast forward. Over the past 4 years, I have developed optimal health programs. I have also obtained my board certification in obesity medicine. And, over the past year, I have really upleveled my programs and have been able to help more people.

My G.O.A.L.S. principles are fabulous and really help us to learn the principles of intuitive eating, but this is what I was starting to see. A segment of my population continued to struggle with never having balanced hunger and fullness feelings. In other words, they knew when they were hungry, but had a very difficult time stopping when “full” or “satisfied" as they didn't experience these feelings. With my obesity medicine training, I learned that some patients may require mediation to truly feel “full,” which pushed me to dig deeper into genetics.

Many of my clients who don’t feel “satisfied” or “full” actually have a variant in their MC4R gene, the gene that controls satiety.  This doesn’t mean that they don’t have any satiety signaling, but the signal is very weak. This weakness in that signaling causes us to eat more energy than our body requires, which leads to results that we don’t want.  

The problem is that my clients feel defeated because they REALLY are trying.

What I can tell you is that 9 out of 10 of my clients who complain of this are showing a variant in the MCR4. The good news is that I have the strategies to better help with a MC4R variant now that I am aware of the impact that it has. In fact, this is the program I have created which I am now offering… I will tell you more about it in a bit.

Now imagine this. Let’s say that you have a variant in your MC4R gene, so you potentially have low satiety, AND you have a variant in your gene that predisposes you to emotional eating, the ANKK1 gene. Then, let’s say you also have a variant in your gene that controls your level of empathy, the OXTR gene. So, you potentially have so much empathy that you are taking on ALL of the emotions of others, plus you have a tendency to eat emotionally, and you have poor satiety. I call this the triple threat to constant struggle with food and achieving optimal health.

This information is allowing our optimal health programs to move to cutting-edge with their effectiveness.

We have created a program to help you Jump Start Your Genetics. You will learn what you are dealing with and how to work with your genetic code.  

I am beyond thrilled to announce my late summer offering. On August 1st, you can work with me as we Jump Start together. The first 4-weeks are all about understanding who you are mentally, emotionally, and physically. We will then decide on your primary goal and will immediately begin implementation on your custom strategy to achieve optimal health.

Because I will be working with you intimately, the first 4-weeks are crucial for me to get to know you so that when we move to the genetics portion, I can give you even more specific programming. Plus it will give you enough time to send off your genetic kit (completed in the comfort of your own home and takes 1-minute with a cheek swab) so that we have all of your information for the genetics program.

On September 7th, we begin Jump Start Your Genetics. This program comes second because I want you to be prepared with the concepts of the strategies we use so that once you know your genetics, we can direct you toward your focus to get your best health results.

The full experience is 8-weeks, with me as your guide. You can also choose to do just one or the other, but the full advantage will come with combining them. Jump Start with Ali includes 12-CME, whereas Jump Start Your Genetics does not include CME. By combining the offer, you can use your CME for the bundle package. While you can do each program separately, because this is our first offering, we are honoring our Beta Pricing-  which is AMAZING. I always tell my clients to get in on the first offering.

You can learn more about Jump Start with Ali and Jump Start Your Genetics HERE


Enrollment is now open, so grab your seat! Spots are limited because of the high level of support we provide to each client.


Can’t wait to see you inside!!

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

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