Allowing Myself to be Inspired by Others

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

We spent all day yesterday touring San Francisco. My brother, Chris, is getting married in Napa this week, and we had the pleasure of spending an entire day with Chris and his beautiful bride-to-be, Sarah. Chris and Sarah are world travelers, and Chris knows how to strategically and brilliantly get us from point A to point B. We had an absolutely glorious day filled with connection, laughter, and fun.

We ended the day watching the sunset, which gave me a few moments to reflect… and I want to share my reflections with you. My reflections are on the family members I was blessed to spend the day with, and I just wanted to share how they left me inspired.

First, my amazing husband, Mark.

At this point, I have known him half of my life. We have been married for 14 years, and he is my person. Recently, he has restructured his practice to create more time for our family, and in the meantime has also become an AMAZING photographer. I am inspired by his artistic talent and while he is so very go-with-the-flow, he also knows exactly what he wants. He balances my often nervous energy with his calm demeanor, and is able to help me be in the moment. We continue to learn together, to make mistakes together… and keep wanting to repeat both together. Mark inspires me because he makes me feel young and free, similar to the way I felt 20 years ago when we first met. Mark inspires me to dream big.

My first born, Betsy.

She is an old soul. She is deep and insightful, shy and loving. She sees the beauty in her surroundings. She is a gifted artist and talented writer. The thing I love most about Betsy is that she makes me feel calm (most of the time). There is something about her energy that soothes my soul. She is a person I could spend endless hours with and feel content. She is accepting. But what really inspires me is that she struggles with being flexible, yet, every day she is working on being more flexible. She loves everything cozy, including oversized jammies and stuffed animals. Our high-energy dog, Lilly, seeks Betsy out and sits next to her quietly… a testament to Betsy’s ability to calm us all (most times ).

My second born, Charlie.

Well… she now goes by Charlotte if this tells you anything!! She is the CEO of our family. She is smart and resourceful; she is hilarious and a social butterfly. She likes to wear lipstick and shop for eyeshadow palettes. She 100000% shares my empathy. This kid feels so deeply. And, because of this, Char has been one of my greatest teachers. How do I help a kid who feels so deeply process emotions that even I have trouble processing at times? I have learned to be more patient with myself by learning through her. Charlotte reads between the lines and picks up on every detail. She is a child who will leave her mark on this world and my work as her mom will be to create a soft landing spot so she can find self-acceptance, instead of indulgence in perfectionism. And, for this… I am inspired to embrace the self-acceptance that I continue to work on.

Sarah!! My new sister.

I grew up with 2 brothers and wanted so desperately to have a sister. When my younger brother married Sanda, I got my first sister!! And, now I get a second. Sarah is also a gifted artist, which is one of the reasons my girls adore her. Sarah is so beautiful inside and out, and has allowed me to witness what unconditional love looks like. She is a person who shows up eloquently in this world with her sweet nature and sense of adventure. I feel as thought I have known Sarah my entire life, and she is a true companion. Sarah inspires me to be the absolute best version of myself, in a way that is difficult to explain. I am inspired because she has allowed me to be who I am - authentically.  

My older brother, Chris.

He is the model design of what you could imagine in an older brother. He has always been a protector. In fact, he joined dance class with me (when I was 5) so that he could “protect me.” He is incredibly intelligent, confident, and strong. He has traveled to every continent in this world (often solo). He is also SO MUCH FUN. His strong sense of family has pushed him to create amazing experiences for our parents. I would have to say that Chris is the glue of our family. Year after year, even without having a lot of in-person time, I continue to feel closer to him. Chris inspires me because he lives each day with purpose while seeking adventure. He shows up. I am so proud of him on so many levels, and the possibilities for him are endless.

Yesterday, as we closed the day watching the sunset on the beach, I got to see the most beautiful vision. Chris ran down the beach barefoot with Betsy and Charlie (hand-in-hand), despite it being 50 degrees, so they could put their toes in the ocean. Sarah stood by taking in all the beauty and appreciating the adventure that Chris was creating for the girls. Mark had his camera and was capturing every moment. I stood by and observed, which I often do, and realized that feeling inspired is a good place for me to land. Inspired I will remain. Inspiration leads to impact, which leads to more inspiration.

Sending you love… and gratitude to you all… you, too, inspire me.

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About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky, a Physician Coach, specializes in optimal health and sustainable weight loss. She is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, and is a physician speaker and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with brain-based science and intuitive principles that work.

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