Get Snobby with Your Extras

Ali Novitsky, MD - Life Coaching for Women Physicians

A simple nutrition strategy for enjoying your favorite foods this summer

I hope you are getting super excited to jump into summer. I sure am!! My older brother, Chris, is marrying the beautiful Sarah on June 22nd in Napa!! And this is just the beginning: we are headed to San Francisco, L.A., Hawaii, and Vegas to follow. A whole 3-week excursion!

So, I am starting to plan now. I know that as part of my nutrition plan, I will be utilizing intuitive eating, Mindful Macros®, and even some Macro Counting… but I will be doing it in a way that works for me. My primary goal: To share some AMAZING experiences with my family, and feel good doing it. I know that I have the tools to do this.

So, what strategies do I pull from?

I want to share one of my favorites with you today, and also a principle I will be sharing as I prepare to write my first nutrition book, “Mindful Macros®”. The strategy is to ‘Get Snobby with Your Extras.’

What do I mean by this? Well, I know our trip will include some of my favorite treats. And, my mom is 100% Italian, so our love language is food. Plus, Chris and Sarah do not skimp on throwing an amazing party.

So, if I get snobby with my extras… this just means that I will allow the things I want, but I will be snobby if they don’t taste all that great. If this is the case, I will have a bite or taste and then choose to stop.

Getting snobby with your bread and your cake and your bourbon is a kind thing to do for yourself. It is saying, you can have anything you want AND you - yes, YOU - deserve the best.

When I get snobby with my extras, I know my focus is on solid, balanced meals, and then my extras can be a detail that I have high expectations for. It allows me to be in control and have the choice on how this will go for me.

Getting snobby with my extras also requires an extra layer of mindfulness that I will include surrounding my food and drink consumption. This encourages me to utilize the G.O.A.L.S. Society principles: get hungry first, slow down, observe for fullness, and just make the next best decision.

So… as you move toward summer, can getting snobby with your extras help you???


We have an amazing program for women physicians starting August 1st. And you won’t believe all we are offering at our Beta Pricing. Jump Start with Ali™ (12-CME) with an option to add Jump Start Your Genetics™.

Imagine knowing your genetics so we can even better strategize your optimal health plan!! We have that capability!

We will be announcing details next week. For now, get on the interest list HERE.

Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


About Ali Novitsky, MD

Dr. Novitsky is certified by the Life Coach School, Obesity Board Certified, a physician speaker, and fitness enthusiast. Ali helps women physicians achieve their optimal health with scientific, yet intuitive, principles that work.

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