68. Siobhan Key on Sustainable Weight Loss
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

68. Siobhan Key on Sustainable Weight Loss

Losing weight is difficult in our American society. We face constant temptation no matter where we are. Dr. Siobhan Key joins me to talk about breaking up with the American diet and creating sustainable, lifelong weight loss.

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67. Scale Myths with Coach Missy
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

67. Scale Myths with Coach Missy

There are so many myths about the scale and what the ideal body weight is. Some of the biggest are ideal weights, competition weights, and what weight actually looks like on a body. Coach Missy Henry joins me to bust these myths and destigmatize talking about weight.

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66. Dr. Dena George on Editing Your Life Story
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

66. Dr. Dena George on Editing Your Life Story

Are you still telling yourself the same stories you did when you were a kid? No matter what they are, they’re probably limiting your self-belief and stopping you from doing what you really want to do. Dr. Dena George talks about how to edit these life stories and start changing your life.

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65. Unapologetic Desire with Janette Dalgliesh
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

65. Unapologetic Desire with Janette Dalgliesh

Tapping into your unapologetic desires will help you in so many different areas of your life. It’s not an easy, nor a culturally condoned, practice, but is it ever freeing. Janette Dalgliesh, astrologist and life coach, joins me to talk about unapologetic desire and using astrology for our life’s purpose.

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64. Showing Up for Your Future Self
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

64. Showing Up for Your Future Self

Consistently showing up for yourself can be a challenge, especially when you’re a people pleaser. Pressure from society, your friends and family, and even your current fleeting wants can all impact how you show up for yourself. Showing up for your present self is a gift to your future self.

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63. Understanding The Enneagram with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

63. Understanding The Enneagram with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt

Understanding your Enneagram type can help you identify your core values and how you can apply them to your life. Dr. Sasha Shillcutt joins me to talk about the Enneagram, describing the different types, and explaining how knowing how your type applies to your life can be revolutionary.

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62. Creating Boundaries to Grow with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

62. Creating Boundaries to Grow with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt

Establishing boundaries is one of the healthiest practices you can do for yourself as a woman. Dr. Sasha Shillcutt joins us for her second episode all about boundaries. Why we set them, how to set them, and how life unfolds once we do.

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60. Dr. Ashley Sandeen On Finding Herself Again
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

60. Dr. Ashley Sandeen On Finding Herself Again

Exercise, healthier coping methods, and safe group spaces can have an enormous effect on your life. Dr. Ashley Sandeen joins me to talk about how she rediscovered her self-worth, broke up with the scale, and shifted her mental perspective through group coaching.

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59. Dr. Tonya Caylor on Thinking Outside The Box
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

59. Dr. Tonya Caylor on Thinking Outside The Box

Coaching is such an important practice, and it’s one that has proven benefits for physicians. Dr. Tonya Caylor joins me to talk about group and private coaching, releasing other people’s expectations, and the importance of self-care.

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58. Dr. Pete on Compassion Fatigue
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

58. Dr. Pete on Compassion Fatigue

It’s a very real thing to experience burnout from being kind and caring all the time. It’s called compassion fatigue and it can have some pretty serious health complications. I’m joined by Dr. Pete Economou to talk about overcoming compassion fatigue, making peace with your body, and grace.

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57. Dr. Stierman on Breaking Up with the Scale
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

57. Dr. Stierman on Breaking Up with the Scale

When body image issues and limiting beliefs stem from childhood, it can be so difficult to be content with your adult body. Contentment comes not just from healing these traumas, it also comes from removing triggers from your daily life. Dr. Sarah Stierman talks about how she broke up with the scale and feels good at her new stronger and smaller, though heavier, size.

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56. Transformation Amidst Covid-19
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

56. Transformation Amidst Covid-19

It’s so easy to let yourself become less important during catastrophic events. But as Dr. Katie Jobbins talks about, if you’re not looking after yourself, you won’t have the long-term capacity to care for others. Self-care is important, especially through a pandemic.

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55. Dr. Komal Patil on Slow and Steady Transformation
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

55. Dr. Komal Patil on Slow and Steady Transformation

Slow and steady wins every race, and as Dr. Komal Patil explains, it’s about finding that consistency in your routine. When you are working on your health and wellness goals consistently, you make steps towards them every day - even if you don’t devote hours to your end goal.

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54. Dr. Monica Milas on Transformation Through 100 lb Weight Loss
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

54. Dr. Monica Milas on Transformation Through 100 lb Weight Loss

Getting weight loss sleeve surgery is one way to lose weight. It’s usually approached when you’ve exhausted all other methods of weight loss. I’m joined by Dr. Monica Milas to talk about why she elected to have sleeve surgery and what her reality is after the procedure.

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53. Dr. Harita Raja on Mind-Body Transformation
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

53. Dr. Harita Raja on Mind-Body Transformation

Accountability, small goals, and thought work are the keys to long-term success. It all starts with the thought piece. Dr. Harita Raja joins me to talk about her mind-body transformation and how life opened up for her in the last year.

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52. Dr. Stephanie Byerly on Healing the Healers
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

52. Dr. Stephanie Byerly on Healing the Healers

We all know that you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s especially true for physicians who spend their days healing others. Dr. Stephanie Byerly joins me to speak about her own experience with burnout and how she adopted self-care practices to heal herself.

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51. Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada On Learning to Prioritize Self-Care
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

51. Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada On Learning to Prioritize Self-Care

When you start putting yourself first, your life can absolutely change for the better. We’re so used to coming last in our list of priorities, but it’s detrimental to all aspects of our life. Dr. Daisy Ramirez-Estrada joins me to speak about how she’s transformed her life through life coaching, where she learned to prioritize herself and self-care.

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50. Dr. Lindsey Davis on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

50. Dr. Lindsey Davis on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Creating lasting body transformation changes could be as easy as letting go of what you think you know. Dr. Lindsey Davis joins me to talk about how she released the beliefs that carbohydrates were evil and you shouldn’t exercise to lose weight.

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49. Dr. Andrea Strathman On Achieving Sustainable Results
Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

49. Dr. Andrea Strathman On Achieving Sustainable Results

Sometimes it is hard to commit to something long-term because we think it is forever. But in reality, it just takes small, incremental steps towards healthier habits that award sustainable results. By focusing on the way these healthy habits make you feel, you can achieve the health goals you desire and maintain them.

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