23. “I Don’t Have Confidence With Money” with Dr. Latifat Akintade
Changing your money mindset will definitely change your bank balance! I’m joined by Dr. Latifat Akintade, the Money Fit MD, to talk about transforming our financial fears into freedom by healing our deep-seeded beliefs.
22. “I Don’t Know How To Feel My Feelings”
Not knowing how to feel your feelings is one of the most common complaints out there. It sounds so easy - “you just need to feel your feelings!” - but if you’ve never done this, or never even learned to, this can seem like an impossible task.
21. “I Have Life Circumstances That Are Ruining Everything”
You don’t necessarily need to change the circumstances you’re in to actually make some positive changes in your life. Your circumstances don’t ruin everything! You need to change your thoughts about these circumstances.
20. “My Urges Are Out Of Control”
Feel into the feelings behind your urges and you’ll learn to control them. This might seem counterintuitive, but trust me when I say that recognizing, acknowledging, and slowing down the thoughts behind your deepest urges is the secret to working past them.
19. “I Don’t Know How To Advocate For Myself” with Dr. Linda Street
Negotiating your contract can be a terrifying prospect. I’m joined by Dr. Linda Street, a Life Coach specializing in Physician Negotiations, to talk about self-advocacy, self-worth, and negotiating your dream contract.
18. “I Am Afraid That I’m Burning Out” with Dr. Amelia Bueche
Burnout is one of the most common reasons physicians take time off from or even leave their jobs. I’m joined by Dr. Amelia Bueche from This Osteopathic Life to talk about how you can spot early signs of burnout and prevent reaching that point.
17. “I Don't Like to Talk About the Money Part of Business” with Dr. Una
Physicians make some of the best business owners: Fact. Thinking of getting on that entrepreneurial ladder? This episode with Dr. Una, the EntreMD, is for you as we talk all about how physicians can start their own profitable ventures!
16. “I Don’t Know How To Start My Business” with Dr. Una
Physicians make some of the best business owners: Fact. Thinking of getting on that entrepreneurial ladder? This episode with Dr. Una, the EntreMD, is for you as we talk all about how physicians can start their own profitable ventures!
15. “I Am Exercising So Much And The Scale Is Going Up”
It can feel devastating when you’ve started a new exercise routine, get on the scale, and see the number go up. Let me tell you - you are not alone! Let’s chat about what’s actually happening.
14. “I Am Having Difficulty Getting More Toned”
I know you want to get more toned; it’s a goal of so many women. I also understand the frustration when you’re working hard, the scale isn’t moving, and you don’t see your progress. Join me to talk about what it really means to “get more toned.”
13. “I Cannot Stick To An Exercise Routine”
Committing to a regular exercise routine can be daunting if exercise isn’t something you’ve prioritized your whole life. You might feel like you cannot stick to any routines you set. I’m here today to tell you that you can.
12: "I Am Exercising So Much And Not Seeing Results"
If you’re exercising hard on a regular basis, you expect to see the scale reflect this. And when it doesn’t, it can feel like, “what’s the point?” In this episode, I’m telling you what the point outside of the scale is and how to measure better results.
11: Chief Complaint: "I have no body confidence". Finding Body Confidence Through Exercise and Sex... with Dr. Sonia Wright
If you struggle with low body confidence, you’re not alone. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to love your body where you are now! I’m joined by Dr. Sonia Wright, The Midlife Sex Coach, to talk about how to grow your body confidence by embracing pleasure.
010: "I Suffer From Constant All-Or-None Thinking..."
If you, like me, struggle with that all-or-nothing thinking, you are absolutely not alone. In this episode, I’m introducing you to The Gray Zone, the space that exists alongside the all-or-nothing zones.
009: "I Find It Difficult to Navigate My Urges" with Dr. Ellen Cooke
If you’re anything like me, resisting the urge to eat something you normally wouldn’t is a really difficult thing to do! Over the years, I’ve gotten better at navigating these urges, though I do sometimes give in. I’m joined by Dr. Ellen Cooke, founder of Circle of Hope and an oncologist, who explains how you can use meditation to help overcome urges.
008: “I Lose All My Progress On Weekends”
One of the biggest problems women face is feeling compelled to let loose on the weekends. We go wild, eat what we want, drink what we want, and indulge ourselves more than we do through the week. Let’s talk about how we can reprogram our brains so we stop doing this.
007: “I'm Confused About Which Food Plan to Follow”
With so many diets and eating plans out there, it can be confusing, maybe even impossible, to know which one you should follow. By the end of this episode, you’ll know which plan you should follow definitively. Ready to change your life?
006: “I Can't Meet My Weight Loss Goals”
You’re working so hard, going to the gym 3 times a week, eating well, but it seems like no matter what you do, nothing’s happening. Your weight is staying exactly where it was before. This chief complaint is so common, so let’s explore.
005: Setting Realistic Goals for Your Body Type
Knowing your specific and unique body type will make setting realistic goals that you actually reach possible. First, you need to learn to listen to and trust your body. This episode is about setting realistic G.O.A.L.S. for your body type.
004: "No Matter What I Do, I Cannot Achieve a Normal BMI"
If you’re among the group of women who believe they can’t achieve a normal BMI, you’re not alone. But did you know that there is a serious flaw in the BMI chart? We’re exploring that in this episode of Life Coaching for Women Physicians.