007: “I'm Confused About Which Food Plan to Follow”
With so many diets and eating plans out there, it can be confusing, maybe even impossible, to know which one you should follow. By the end of this episode, you’ll know which plan you should follow definitively. Ready to change your life?
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The Chief Complaint: I’m Confused About Which Food Plan to Follow
You are a unique person and your body has personalized needs. Maybe you don’t do well with dairy, maybe you feel best when you eat a lower carb or maybe having one single can of Coke a day will help you reduce sugar in your overall diet. Before we go any further, you need to recognize that you are unique - so should your diet be.
Most diets fail because we approach them with an all or nothing mindset. Either we follow it perfectly or, hey, what’s the point. Not only is that not sustainable, but those diets also aren’t structured with YOU in mind.
What food plan should you follow, then? I’m a firm believer in learning how to listen to your body and eating what you want when you want. This is intuitive eating, something that we are all born with the ability to do.
It’s about taking a gradual approach to making changes in your diet, not a massive overhaul. Another benefit of taking it slow is that you need to give yourself time to fall in love with your body. Yes, you could go on a crash diet and lose 35lbs, but when you look in the mirror, will you still wish you looked different? Go slow and fall in love.
I love to promote what I call The Hunger Scale. Eating when you feel hungry, but not ravenous, and stopping before you reach full. Your body will learn what hunger feels like again.
On this episode, I’m also talking about how emotional eating links to intuitive eating, how to designate foods into “sometimes” and “all-the-time”, and why you need to figure out your body type, goals, and lifestyle in order to be successful.
I want you to take my Body Type Quiz. Then, with this information, list out what your health goals are and how these tie into your lifestyle. Let me know in the comments below!
In This Episode
How to know yourself as a unique individual when it comes to what you should eat
Why you don’t need to have an all or none mindset
What food plan you should follow
How you can make sustainable change to your diet plan
Why you should go slow in order to fall in love with your body
What a hunger scale is
How emotional eating ties into intuitive eating
What “sometimes foods” and “all-the-time foods” are and why you should make a list
Why you need to detail your body type, goals, and lifestyle
“The truth is that what’s going to work for you isn’t necessarily going to be written in a book.” (4:34)
“If your lifestyle eating plan is not going to balance out with the goal you want, then it’s not going to be a good eating plan or a good goal for you.” (10:35)
“You can train your body to be hungry whenever you want to train your body to be hungry.” (19:01)
“You don’t have to be confused on what your food plan is because you get to decide what the food plan is.” (29:02)
Resources Mentioned
31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.
Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.
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This is not medical advice.