008: “I Lose All My Progress On Weekends”

One of the biggest problems women face is feeling compelled to let loose on the weekends. We go wild, eat what we want, drink what we want, and indulge ourselves more than we do through the week. Let’s talk about how we can reprogram our brains so we stop doing this.

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The Chief Complaint: I Lose all my Progress on Weekends

First things first. If this is a chief complaint you are familiar with, I want you to stop feeling guilty and stop judging yourself for falling off whatever wagon you’re on throughout the week. We are actually programmed to treat the weekends as this special time where we can let loose and enjoy ourselves.

But it is absolutely possible to make the weekend less powerful. I get it, though. When you’re working hard through the week, following a strict diet and exercise plan, and keeping a tight ship in every aspect of your life, it’s easy to make the weekends into this special, revered time off.

The first thing you need to do to stop losing all your progress on the weekend is to stop making them into that special light at the end of the week. By creating more excitement, pleasure, and community every day, instead of just at the weekend, you’re removing that temptation that comes around with Saturday and Sunday.

I’m not saying that what you do on the weekends is bad. I don’t believe any food is bad and you can enjoy it all in moderation. But keeping the weekend free-for-all at bay is something many women struggle with. This is why I urge you to learn to listen to your body and start eating intuitively and based on your body type.

I am also a huge advocate of falling in love with yourself where you are right now. Your body is the only one you have and showing it love is so vital to long-lasting and overall success.

One way you can approach eating a larger, blow-out meal is to work a Power Meal into your week. This is a meal where you don’t track or count anything about it, it’s just something that you enjoy for the sake of enjoying it. You should see what having this meal does to your mental, physical, and emotional health, too!



How can you find pleasure in your everyday? I want you to take some time to reevaluate how you can make every day special, not just the weekends. Let me know in the comments on the episode page!

In This Episode 

  • Why you should stop judging yourself for treating the weekends as special

  • How you can make the weekend less powerful

  • Why we make the weekends so special

  • How to create more excitement, community, and more pleasure in your everyday life

  • Why our weekends become a free-for-all

  • What happens when you love and accept yourself where you are right now

  • What a Power Meal is and what it does to your body


“If the weekend is so powerful, that’s okay. But guess what? We have to even out the playing field. So we have to make the weekdays equally as powerful.” (6:46)

“If you’re able to navigate urges and you’re able to fall into this new vision of evening out the playing field, guess what’s going to happen? You’re not going to have the problem anymore of the weekends derailing you.” (18:42)

“You deserve to love your body. It’s not going to happen overnight, it’s not something that you’re going to be able to flip the switch. It’s going to take work.” (21:37)

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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This is not medical advice.


009: "I Find It Difficult to Navigate My Urges" with Dr. Ellen Cooke


007: “I'm Confused About Which Food Plan to Follow”