Reevaluating Our Relationships


When the pandemic hit, my husband Dr. Mark and I knew we had to sit down and re-evaluate our relationship and the hats we wore. Living and working in the same house proved to be more challenging than we’d initially expected. We both found ourselves pushing boundaries.

It’s still a work-in-progress, but Mark and I opened the conversations that needed to happen so we could get our relationship and happiness back. We knew we needed to establish our goals in our relationship and as parents, but first, we needed to figure out our individual goals.

By setting our individual goals, we were able to fit them into our shared goals easier. What’s worked for us is setting aside time to discuss each of the different hats we wear; for example, if we’re on a walk, we dedicate one topic per lap. It’s all about finding what works for you.

Support Your Partner/Close Friends, Especially When Things Are Hard

One of the things we’ve learned over the last two years is how to support each other as parents, too. Even though we have different parenting styles, we can still show up and ‘tap-in’ when we see the other struggling or needing a bit of extra alone time.

When things get difficult, as they do, especially when spending close to 24 hours together, we’ve found that remembering what originally drew us to each other is helpful. Going back to those early roots can help a relationship stay alive and loving.

Finally, it doesn’t have to always be about the outcome. I’ve noticed how Mark is making more of an effort in many different areas. I’m so excited to see how our relationship together, as parents, and as business owners continues to grow and evolve.

Don't be afraid to ask for support.


Shaking Old Thinking Patterns About Weight and The Scale


Showing Up For Yourself