Optimal Health is NOT code for Weight Loss
I remember one time I heard a thought leader in the coaching industry say, “Achieving optimal health is another way of saying achieve weight loss.” And, this is not completely accurate. Optimal health looks different for everyone. And, while the science shows that losing 3-5% of body weight can reduce incidence of chronic illness, not everyone will require weight loss to achieve their optimal health.
It’s just about weight Loss For Doctors - Optimal health also extends past our physical health.
When we are talking about optimal health, we are talking about vibrant mental, emotional, and physical health. So, how do we define optimal health for ourselves? How do we know that we have achieved it? What data do we use? What parameters are useful? How do we set goals based on our desire to be in our optimal health?
Today, I want to share with you my simple check-in so that I can frequently evaluate where I am on my optimal health scale. I ask myself these 3 questions:
- Is my head clear? Scale of 1-10.
- Is my heart open? Scale of 1-10.
- Is my body balanced? Scale 1-10.
Let’s break down each a little further.
Clear Head.
I am asking myself if I am aware of my thoughts. Am I able to see how my thoughts are playing out at the moment? Am I able to hold onto thoughts or let go of thoughts, depending on how I want to feel? I take ownership for what I am creating. I know that I will often revert to automatic thoughts in specific circumstances and that is ok. But, my head is clear enough to see it all.
Open Heart.
Am I willing to feel my emotions? If we are not allowing feelings, we are resisting them, reacting to them, distracting from them, or thought spirals. An open heart allows vulnerability and empathy to flow freely. It allows us to feel anything with a curiosity that is patient.
Balanced Body.
How am I taking care of my body? Am I accepting where I am? Am I embracing my nutrition to nurture my body… am I moving to stay strong? How does it feel to be in my body right now? What does it need more of: Sleep? Water? Rest? Exercise? Hugs? Is there anything that I need to address that is negatively impacting my health? If so, how am I addressing it?
When we focus on a clear head, open heart, and balanced body, we can continue to honor the masterpiece that we are while choosing to be a work in progress too.
Over the past couple of months, I have been personally working on all 3. By asking these simple questions every day, I have learned to maintain the strongest consistency I have ever had in terms of taking care of myself. Optimal health is a journey… fitter at 40, fitter at 50, fitter at 60, at 70, at 80, at 90, and beyond. We get to decide how this goes.
Sending you love… and optimal health… in mind and body.