Maintain Your Progress or Make More On Vacation

Ali Novitsky, MD

I’m sharing my top 5 strategies for having a “fit” vacation because we are entering spring break time and because… one of the most common things I hear is, “I’m worried that I will lose my momentum and reverse my progress on vacation.”

And… this does not have to be true. What if on vacation we made progress?

Ok, here are my tips to feel amazing and honor your vacation by connecting with yourself and those you love most.

1) Eat when you are hungry, don’t eat when you’re not. This allows you to eat whatever it is that you would love to have, but you are doing it when you are hungry. This is a great opportunity for you to work on your “food rules” and get in touch with your intuitive side.

2) Plan your other meals around your most “social” and exciting meal - if you have one. I always make sure we have a late lunch or early dinner planned that we are looking forward to. I check out the menu, get an idea of what I’m having, then plan my other meals for the day to complement that special meal. The other meals I keep very simple… so maybe grilled chicken salad, egg white omelette, low sugar protein bar, etc.

3) Have an alcohol and sweets plan each day. Have these things, but each day set the amount that you will commit to. A glass of wine at dinner, ice cream on the boardwalk. Get snobby with your extras. If the wine is vinegar-tasting, send it back. If the ice cream has freezer burn, get a new one.

4) Focus on your step count as your main form of exercise. Make a challenge to see how many you can get per day. If you want to do more, great, but these steps add up and are more effective overall at keeping your metabolism revved up.

5) Hold space for your sleep. Vacation is a time to rejuvenate… sleep prioritization will have you feeling amazing by aiding in stress management and keeping your hunger hormone at bay!!

Happy Travels!


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