Become Independent of Your Limiting Beliefs


Happy 4th of July!!!

July is my favorite month… and happens to be my birthday month which makes it extra fun. Just wanted to stop in and give you a pearl or two on motivation. 

Motivation is such an interesting thing, right? Today I want to take a different spin on it. I often have women come to me and say, “I was doing so well… and then I ate an entire cake.” Or, “I was doing so well, and then I skipped a workout - and it went all downhill from there.”

Let’s just get all-or-none thinking out of the way. When we have this mentality and thought process, we will feel that we failed if we miss a workout or eat off our plan; feeling like we have “failed” will encourage us not to workout the rest of the week.

So remember, we only have to do the next best thing. When women tell me that they missed a workout, my response is usually, ”So What?”

See, it isn’t the missed workout that matters... it is the motivation or reason behind the missed workout. It is the motivation or reason behind eating until overfull.

Let me give you an example.

I like to get a minimum of 10K steps per day. Yesterday, I did not. The reason I didn’t push to 10K steps was because I made the decision that I was going to physically rest. I loved my reason, so I was at peace with it. But, let’s say that yesterday I had planned to lift weights and get 10K steps. And I didn’t. And my reason why was: I just kept procrastinating until it was too late.

Why did I procrastinate? It was my action driven by my feeling of “entitled” because I was thinking, “I work out every day, can’t I just skip one?” You see, this thought is an automatic negative thought!!! It is an old thought. It is not one that I currently believe. We call this a limiting belief.

You see where this is going? If we don’t identify our limiting beliefs and think that we can get long-term results by forcing ourselves into the workout or forcing ourselves into eating the salad… this will not work. This may get you short-term results, not long-term.

To get sustainable results, our time is best spent in creating a new belief system. Sounds challenging, huh? This process can’t be rushed; it is a journey. We evaluate and recreate thoughts 1 by 1. 

Sending you lots of love and fireworks!


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