77. Not Just One of The Guys

How do we, as women, make a mark in the world with something that’s unique to us as women? Would it be similar to what would be expected of men? Today, I’m exploring this idea by sharing my own background and discoveries.

Key Takeaway

We can empower the next generation of women by giving them the needed space and support to pursue their passions.

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The Privilege of Overlooking Gender Bias

I’ve often overlooked the role of gender bias. Being able to do so is a privilege I have. It’s rooted in how was raised; to see gender as irrelevant to potential. My parents treated me the same way that they treated my two brothers and their lessons on equality stuck with me today.

During my residency, I had the further privilege of being exposed to some amazing women physicians. They reinforced the idea we all have an innate power within us.

Empowering Our Daughters

Now when I think about my daughters, I find myself consciously considering what it means to be their role model. What do I want them to learn about themselves and what they’re capable of? How do I offer them the space they need to learn what they need on their own?

I’m still learning, but I’ve seen what happens when we give them the space to believe that their passion can be enough and while I support them along the way.

This has me thinking about how we can build up other women and girls. It’s time we thought about how we can take our power and put it out into the world.

Homework for Women Physicians

How can you put your power out into the world? How can that be a lesson for others? Leave a comment below!

 In This Episode 

  • Why it’s a privilege to be able to overlook gender bias [3:00]

  • Finding the confidence to take action and discover your passion [14:00]

  • Being a role model for daughters and being inspired by them [16:30]

  • Why we can do more than just ‘keep up with the guys’ [24:00]


“What can I learn from this? What do I want to do with this information and move forward with it?” [9:57]

“I’m finally the best I’ve ever been, but it’s been through tons and tons of work and coaching and just really embracing who I am on so many levels... It’s made me like myself so much more.” [20:12]

“It’s amazing what we can grow and learn from all those around us, especially children.” [22:40]

“Little by little, as women, we are making our mark - even as difficult as it seems sometimes.”  [29:50]

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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78. The Impact of Life Coaching - My Story


76. Gaining Momentum by Being Curious with Dr. Marion McCrary