Women Physicians, Prioritize Your Well-being

Ali Novitsky, MD

As I write this, I am currently in Grand Cayman at the Women's Physician's Wellness Conference where I am leading the daily Mind-Body Workouts. And, it has been amazing!!! When I was asked to lead, I was beyond excited because I knew that I would have a great excuse to take a vacation!!

When I read my words… I don’t love them. “Excuse to Take a Vacation” is not the language I want to use. It isn’t the story I want to tell myself. So, this week - I decided to change my story. And, this is why. When I choose myself, I choose vacation for myself. When I choose vacation for myself, I am prioritizing my needs.

What I do know is that when we give ourselves dedicated space and time, we gain clarity, motivation, and even gratitude. The process requires us to slow down and get in touch with our thoughts, our feelings, our blind spots. And, I know for me - I am pretty good at ignoring my blind spots.

So, I started to dig deeper this week. I decided to make a list of the obstacles that prevent me from choosing myself. And guess what???? I have control over each and every one. Because- they are all thoughts. Things like: I don’t have time, others' needs are more important, I need to do A+ work, I am not doing enough, what if I don’t meet expectations. And, also things like: it feels so uncomfortable to slow down, I already know what I need, I don’t need that much. The list goes on and on and on and on.

And, let me share a little tip with you. This is what happens when we don’t believe that we have a choice to choose ourselves.

Thought - I don’t have a choice to put my needs first

Feeling - Trapped

Action - Don’t make the choice that I want to

Result - Believe that I don’t have a choice, my needs are not that important

For us to choose ourselves, we have to believe that we have a choice. And, we do. We always have a choice. Whether we feel trapped in a job or relationship or even our own mind… we are not. So, what’s standing in the way???? Just a thought. A thought that we think is an obstacle.

To choose ourselves, we have to remember why it is important. It is important because we absolutely cannot pour from an empty cup. An empty cup is definitely not good for us, but all of those who we want so desperately to give to… it’s not good for them, either.

While I miss my girls, they needed me to choose me this week. My husband Mark needed me to choose me this week. I needed to choose me this week. In fact, I think we all need to choose ourselves more often.  

Today, I want you to think of one way that you can prioritize choosing yourself this week. Trust me, magic will happen.

This is the last week to take advantage of our Early Enrollment Pricing for Transform® 4.0 where we offer 72-CME credits in our program. And even more exciting that those who enroll in this class will be grandfathered into our founding member tuition as long as they are a continuous Transform® 4.0 member. We offer 36 hours of LIVE coaching per month (insane value) for one of the most comprehensive physician coaching programs. And, each round we add more. This is a great opportunity for your long-term success.

It is a 5-in-1 coaching program loaded with coaching calls, live group personal training, weight loss and body composition change support with obesity medicine docs, 7-months of G.O.A.L.S. Society included, plus a curriculum delivered in bite-sized pieces.

We are now accepting applications for our April 25th class. You can apply HERE. Our team will be in touch with you shortly. 


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