The Statistics Are Not In Our Favor

Summer Healthy Lifestyle

As Mark and I have been hard at work behind the scenes to curate programs for families, we pulled quite a bit of data to review.

Our health impacts those we care about the most. In other words, the decisions I make for myself are way beyond me. That can be a lot to swallow, but there is power in this.

If I prioritize my health and make a lot of ‘next best decisions,’ then I am setting us all up for success as a family. This means I never have to feel guilty about the time and/or money that I spend toward my health, because it is for more than just me.

It’s kind of like clothes. My older daughter and I can share clothes, so when I buy for me, I buy for us. And then the better quality will last so eventually my younger daughter can wear the items.

Investing in our health starts with doing the little things.

Tired and don’t feel like cooking? This was me a lot this year. So - we would go out and order all the things and not watch portions. Now, we made a simple switch of taking 15 minutes to make the most amazing salmon (recipe at the bottom) and pair with a ceasar salad, veggies, and berries for dessert.

My oldest now asks for salmon every day.

I was holding my family back because I was thinking it was just easier to eat out. And, it isn’t. In addition, it was delaying our bedtime, which was also impacting our health.

We don’t have to make all the changes all at once. Start with just one thing.

As a family, we are staying more accountable to our food choices by using my latest food tracking creation. It is so effective that my younger daughter has now added this process to her nightly routine.

Mark and I now have programs for men and women. And, we have more coming. If you have been following along and you are not a woman physician… we see you. You are going to want to stay tuned for an announcement coming in late summer!!!

Alright… be sure to check out my latest series on how to optimize your body composition. You can access HERE.

Talk soon!


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