More of my own advice...


Something very strange happened this week.

Everything was going absolutely fine until last Friday, when I started to feel the sensation of having to cough.

Now before I tell you more, let me tell you how we have been living the past year. We work from home, kids are virtually schooled, we get our groceries delivered, and we do not see any other humans.

Ok, back to the cough sensation.

I had no other symptoms at all, but I felt as though I was going to get sick. I let it ride out hoping that I would feel better. Because it felt like bronchospasm, I even took some albuterol (I have no history of asthma).

Ok... so 7 days later, I am not better. Not worse... but not better.

So, I called my doc. She ordered some labs and a chest Xray. I was sure something would come up.

The next 24 hours while I waited for results, I had convinced myself that something was very wrong.

But then... the labs and the Xray came back. All normal. Exam - normal. Pulse Ox - 99%. Now, I am very confused. So I did the only thing I knew; I consulted any and every medical professional I could. My brother(s), my dad, my husband, my friends, my clients... hahahaha.

And guess what, they all said the same thing.

My friend Sasha, a cardiac anesthesiologist, said, “Ok. You just need to stop. Your body is telling you to slow down. You cannot be the hero to everyone. You must rest. Stop trying to find a damn diagnosis... and rest.”

She then texted back again and said, “I’m not kidding. I am worried. You need to rest now.”

My friend Ellen, a radiation oncologist said, “Will you take your own advice and stop pouring from an empty cup?”  

So I did a thing. I asked for help.

I cleared my weekend schedule and put my beloved clients in the hands of my trusted team. My biggest fear was letting them down and not being at the Saturday workout or our Sunday check-in. This is a big week for my coaching group, and I want to be there.  

But - I always want to walk the walk. And so I am.

I am resting and I have asked for help. And it feels good. And all of a sudden... I don’t feel like I have to cough anymore. I can celebrate that my work-up was negative. I can celebrate that I have the best friends, the best family, the best team, the best clients… I am so incredibly grateful.

How is this happening for me?

I know how I want to show up for my people, but it starts by showing up for me. I just needed a little reminder. Actually, it was quite a big reminder.  

Today - I want you to carve out some rest time. I am guessing you need it, too.


A Chance to Learn About Your Natural Instinct in Emergencies


I finally took my own advice