Leveling the Playing Field

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As humans, one of the things that we often find ourselves struggling with are relationships.

Often, it is the people closest to us that we can feel the “farthest” away from emotionally. We often use the phrase, “we have grown apart.” 

The truth is that if we allow ourselves to grow, we will. And, if we are not communicating our growth with the closest people to us, then it will feel as though we are disconnected. So, the answer… is to communicate the work you are doing on your growth journey.

In my programs, I hear women say, “If my partner only had the tools that I do...” Additionally, when my clients are making huge health improvements and their partners aren’t, sometimes they can feel left out, or maybe inspired that they want to do the same. Plus, studies show (and we know) it is easier to adopt healthy lifestyle habits with support and accountability.

Leveling the playing field is when both partners have the same tools so each person can take ownership of them.

For example, if Shawn knows that blaming is not effective, and Ryan continues to use blame, then the problem becomes even more loaded because Shawn feels bad they were blamed, and is also annoyed that Ryan is “ignorant” that blaming is harmful. This is a perfect scenario for uneven tool distribution.

Recently I sat down to think about how I can help my others to experience more growth. The answer was clear. I had to give myself an opportunity to allow others to gain tools. I just didn’t know where to start until I started receiving messages from many clients asking for a referral to a men’s program just like mine. I looked. And looked. And realized that a program for men (exactly like mine) did not exist.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many amazing things out there for men, but my clients were asking for replication of my programming.

I put the requests on the back burner for a while, and then I just couldn’t anymore. With careful consideration, I brought on a team to run the male version of Transform®. It will be called Fit Dad Collective™ (FDC). The name represents the team of men running the program, because you don’t have to be a doctor, dad, or fit to join.

FDC is designed to help men optimize mental, emotional, and physical health. Dr. Mark Novitsky along with Dr. Alex Stewart and Dr. Pri Chakkavarathi will be helping men to uplevel their fitness, nutrition, and mindset in a fun and supportive community.

This work is important AND this work matters because our health gets better with accountability and support. We are committed to help level the playing field to build deeper connections as we grow.

FDC will be delivering its 6-month pilot program June through November. If you have been on the fence learning about our Transform® 6.0 program, this may be a fantastic time to come on a call with us. This is an offer that we won’t have again, and we would love for you to take advantage of it. Details on the men’s program to be released next week.

Transform® 6.0

Fit Dad Collective (FDC)

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Talk soon!


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