Identifying Blindspots is The New Pathway to Success


I have to say that we are slowly trialing reentry into the world. I had a Covid-conscious haircut and pedicure, and I feel like a new woman!! This has been quite the year, but as usual I have some new information to share with you. You see, all this extra time has allowed me to dive deeper into science and make some pretty great observations. 

Ok… so how have I been diving into science?

I recently did some metabolic testing on myself. I was trying to see how my current lifestyle (unfiltered) was influencing my health results. Here is what I found. 

First off… my baseline routine is that I exercise most days. I strength train at least 4 days per week and then supplement with some high intensity interval training and some steady state cardio-like walks. My nutrition is based on my Mindful Macro program as well as my G.O.A.L.S. philosophy. With this approach I am excellent at maintaining, but what I was wanting to know more about was the following.

What strategies will give me the most bang for my buck when I am trying to lean out?

Before changing anything, I decided to take an honest look at where I thought I was possibly sabotaging my progress. After a 2-week observation period, it became clear. I sabotage further progress with my weekend lifestyle. 

Here is what happens. I finish my work day on Friday and all of a sudden my brain tells me that it is time to party. We order out, pop open some wine. While I don’t overeat, I definitely consume more carbs, alcohol, and fat. 

When I wake up on Saturday morning, I do not feel great. In the A.M., I work out with my coaching group then I eat my usual protein/carb meal following. The next meal goes well, but Saturday night is our power meal. A power meal is a meal that is going to be higher in carbs/fat/protein and it is used as a mindful way to carb cycle. This allows my body to release extra Leptin and prevents my body from operating as if it is “starving” as I lose body fat.

But, here is how it goes.

My big meal on Friday gave me extra Glycogen which I have not burned off yet. My power meal has now given me a lot more Glycogen that will also be stored. And then Sunday comes. I usually work out with my G.O.A.L.S. Society group and then follow up with protein and carbs. But - my mind is still in the mode of, “I want to party,” and, “I am dreading Monday.” I am starting to feel negative emotions and I want to soothe them with something… maybe with a cocktail. And of course I don’t want to cook, so let’s order out again.

Ok. Monday arrives. I have 3 days worth of extra Glycogen and quite possibly additional body fat because once I cannot burn off what I am consuming, and my muscles and liver are out of storage, I will store as adipose tissue. 

During the week, I have a great habit of being on point with my nutrition. But, instead of making further progress, I spend the week burning off the Glycogen so by Thursday evening, I am finally in fat-burning mode. But then guess what happens… yup… the next weekend happens. Do you see how this is the perfect way to maintain - but not progress? 

Here is your call-to-action.

What are your blindspots?

What are the obstacles that are holding you back from progress?

I am currently making a cool summary of blindspots that I will release soon. But, in the meantime… can you relate? Your progress might be possible with some easy blindspot work.


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