How Screen Time Saved the Day in Greece

Novitsky Family

I want to share a story that many of you might relate to, especially in this age of constant connectivity and digital screens. I must admit, like many parents, there are days when my kids spend a bit more time in front of screens than I would ideally like. Balancing screen time with other activities is a challenge we all face, but it’s also important to acknowledge the unexpected benefits that come from technology.

We are currently traveling in Greece and our first day in Athens, we experienced a disruption in our Verizon service. It left us in quite a bind, unsure of how to regain our connection in a foreign city. That’s when my 12-year-old stepped up. Using the knowledge and skills he had gained from his time on the internet, she figured out how to get us cell phone service. Her resourcefulness and quick thinking not only resolved our problem, but also left us incredibly proud and grateful.

This incident reminded me that while moderation is key, the digital world also equips our children with valuable skills and knowledge that can be indispensable. It taught us resilience and highlighted how adaptability can turn a stressful situation into a huge win.

So, here’s to finding that delicate balance and recognizing the silver linings in our everyday challenges. We absolutely celebrated our daughter, and we felt so proud that she is capable and clever and just fine with electronics and all.

Now, here is where the story gets good. My younger daughter noticed that she wasn't feeling as happy. And, I sat her down as asked, "Why do you think that is?" She said, "With all the travel, I have been on my iPad too much. I would like to give it up for the next month unless I need it for school or a sleepover." I was absolutely amazed. She recognized what the issue was and how she could fix it.

I was so inspired that I decided to sweeten the deal. I let her know that as a reward for sticking to her plan, we would do a girls’ weekend at a place of her choosing. She was happy and delighted and ALL-IN.

I am looking forward to what our travels to Greece will bring us as a family. Will send updates next week!!!

Talk soon!


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What The Nomad Life is Teaching Me


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