Going Deeper in Understanding Your Why

Ali Novitsky, MD Understanding Your Why

This past week, I hosted the first of nine workshops in the free series, Transform with Ali. We had a fantastic turnout, and I am super excited to deliver our next topic this coming week. If you didn’t get to catch it, you can sign up for the replays, but I also want to give you some highlights here. 

The take-home messages that I gave were as follows:

  • Spend Time on Your WHY

  • Go below surface-level thoughts

  • Take time on the thoughts that don’t serve you, so that you can start to notice patterns

  • Consider learning more about thought distortions - we all have our favorites

  • Be open to the new “feelings” that come up; they can’t hurt you

  • You are a masterpiece and you can be a work in progress

  • Your WHYs may change over time

Let me explain a bit further.

When we set a goal, we have to have a very compelling reason why we want to achieve that goal, or it could be a big struggle to actually reach it. We may find ourselves using willpower and burning out from trying.

But if we spend some time and go below the surface to really discover our why, then the struggle lightens, and we discover new momentum. We are willing to deal with obstacles and setbacks because our why is that important - it is EPIC.

Surface-level thoughts often involve things like, “I should want this,” or “it will make me happier,” or “it will make others happier,” or “I can’t risk the alternative.” All of these surface level thoughts may not actually give us a feeling that will drive consistent action toward a goal.

Now, here is the other thing we have to think about.

We often want to glaze over our negative thoughts and try to use positive thinking or avoidance of negative thoughts. But, the truth is that spending time with the negative thoughts will teach us a lot about our own patterning. Our thought patterns are powerful and if we learn them, we will have a lot more power in understanding more about ourselves and others (believe it or not).

Thought distortions like all-or-none thinking or should statements are also patterned. We typically have a top 2-3 that we go to. Again, learning more about thought distortions which I teach in my program Transform® is going to give you very deep awareness of some of your most powerful limiting beliefs.

Getting in touch with our feelings and not being afraid to feel all the things. This one is a topic for another time. But just popping it in here to say that many of our missed marks come from our unwillingness to feel our emotions. This is why I spend 8 weeks in Transform® helping my students to understand feelings.

You are a masterpiece and can also be a work in progress.

You can love yourself right where you are today. In fact, we get to love ourselves right where we are. And, we can also decide to make progress in an area. Self-love and awareness will allow us to want this for ourselves. This all starts with just showing up for ourselves in little ways to start.

Finally, our why will change over time. And, this is beautiful. This is growth. In order to be in tune with this, we have to be in tune with ourselves. To be in tune with ourselves, we have to continue to set aside time and go below the surface in our thoughts.

So much good stuff. And I can’t wait to share more. If you are not currently part of my Workshop Series… I am inviting you to 9 LIVE workshops with me. That is right, I am teaching the principles that I use in my programs to help my clients achieve mental, emotional, and physical Transformation. I am offering this series FREE of charge. Attend 1…attend them all…replays are available.

To gain access, SIGN UP HERE. Once you sign up, you will be able to access the replay library. 


If you are a physician and need something for you, there are 2 ways to work with me. Early Enrollment for my 72-Credit CME Program, Transform®, is now open. And you will want to check it out now… I am extending 2021 pricing until March 7th.

Transform® is my 6-month CME accredited program to help women physicians “cure” mental, emotional, and physical burnout. Even more, Transform® offers over 30 hours of LIVE coaching every month.

Transform® includes:

- 6-months of intense group coaching

- 6-months of LIVE group personal training

- 6-months of body composition transformation coaching using a mindful or macro approach
- effective curriculum to implement mindset work

You can read all about the program HERE. And, when you join Transform®, you get 7-months of G.O.A.L.S. Society included!! 

Join by March 7th and receive 2021 pricing.


Loving Our Unique Bodytype


Women Doctors Showing Up for Ourselves