Don’t Fix What Isn’t Broken


There is a common theme that comes up in my life quite a bit. On a bell-shaped curve, right in the middle is where most people live.

Let me give you an example. On my high school softball team, the coach was trying to teach everyone to swing the bat the same way. We went through countless drills. But, it just didn’t work for me.

I had a long baseball swing that I learned from my dad and brothers. The concern is that my bat speed would not be quick enough. But, we had evidence that my bat speed was as quick as can be. 

Just to give you an idea, when we clocked my bat speed, I would consistently register at 100mph. And - I never had any problems facing the fastest pitchers. In fact, in my high school career, I never struck out. Not once.

Ok, back to my point. Nothing was broken with my swing. But, that didn’t protect me from believing that maybe I should change it. This is so easy to do when we forget to just trust ourselves… when we realize that we can (and have to) do things our own way.

When I went to college to play softball and also study Pre med, some of my teammates and even coach said, You won’t last a year. But - I did. In fact - I finished my degree almost a year early.

And then in the marketing world… so many mentors telling me to do this, not do this. And none of it worked anyway.

But… you know what did?

Being me. Little ole authentic me. Which means that I get to not only make the rules, but also trust my rules.

I have to believe that I am not supposed to do it the same as others.

Heck, as an obesity medicine specialist and weight loss coach… my main focus isn’t even on scale weight loss.

The trend that I see is that I was meant to do things differently in certain areas of my life. Which means, I can stop shopping around for the thing that is going to help me the most. Maybe I can stop listening to the opinions of others who think that they can do it better. Maybe this is where I trust that I have everything that I need, and I can do it my way. 

I am writing to you because: You are Simply Extraordinary.

You are Unique. You do not fit the bell-shaped curve on all things. Find the things that don’t fit the bell shaped curve; those are your gifts and weaknesses. Both of which deserve celebration.

Our weaknesses give us insight and help us build strength while our strengths just need to be unleashed. I like to call this growth and explosion.

I invite you take a moment and carve out some space today - and commit to the ever-complex process of trusting yourself.

Trust the process. Trust yourself. You are amazing.


Lizard Brain or Wizard Brain


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