Do You See Yourself?

Woman Holding Mirror

I wanted to share a reflection I have had over the past couple of months, which really allowed me to take some steps forward on my own self-development path.

There are times that we have faced difficult situations, and we may have had the thought, “It was hard, but it made me stronger.” I have to be honest, I struggled with this a lot. And, here is why.

I didn’t want to be compassionate toward the “thing” that gave me a hard time. I didn’t want to be thankful to the “circumstance” for the pain I felt. I didn’t want to believe that I needed to feel pain, to become who I am.

I spent some time on this, and I came up with a belief that serves me so much better.

It wasn’t the difficult circumstance that actually made me who I am. It was the circumstance that allowed me to see who I am. It didn’t make me… It allowed me to see myself. I was always going to be who I am; I just see me so clearly now.

When I had that revelation, everything felt lighter. Circumstances that pushed me to fight were no longer difficult to feel compassionate toward. 

By seeing myself, I have become more compassionate to myself and my circumstances.

Now, I am on a mission, a journey, to see myself fully. This means I don’t shy away from pain. I don’t choose pain later. I bring myself to the present. I get to know myself more and more with each bit of present moment living I engage in.

It feels good to be seen… by me. When we can see ourselves, we are more willing to be seen by others. We stop holding back. We aren’t afraid of disappointing others. We are ok with no longer subscribing to all the people-pleasing. We stop trying to fix everything and everyone. We stop carrying the heavy burden that was never ours to carry.

What would it take for you to see - you?

Look how far you have come. Look at all you have done. Every possibility that you have ever thought of, and even ones that have not yet been discovered, are available to you.

I see you… more clearly than ever… because I see myself now, too.

Sending you love!

Xo Ali


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