Creating Space is the New Multitasking


Several months ago when my husband, Mark, suggested that we take our virtual classroom to Florida for a month, my first thought was, “No way can we do this.”

My brain came up with hundreds of excuses for why this just wouldn’t work. But, I did let the idea marinate. And… maybe I started looking at rentals just for fun.

Finally, one cold day in January, I just called myself out. I said, “Ali - what thought is creating the obstacle for you to take this trip?” The funny thing is… I couldn’t come up with any evidence for why we shouldn’t do it. So - we did it.

We packed up our things and spent a full month in Florida. I was so worried about how I would get all the things that I needed to get done -  done. So, I decided to become curious about what exactly I do in my 12-hour work days. And I was shocked!! Half of the things I was doing were not necessary. They were just filling up my space. Mind Blown. 

I had to figure out why I was avoiding space for myself.

Why was I trying to fill every moment with something? And then it hit me. Somewhere along the way, I lost the belief that space is necessary to allow my brain to be creative. So why was I avoiding my creative side???? My creative side would often give me new ideas that I would then try to take on all by myself. Do you see??? I was avoiding space so that I couldn’t create more so that I would avoid more work because 12 hour days are already way too much.

If I put it in a thought model, it may look like this… 

Circumstance: Space
Thought: I don’t want to have time to think of more projects i will have to put into action
Feeling: Avoidance
Action: Avoid downtime, avoid space, stay small
Result: Protect very little space for myself

Once I made this discovery, I decided that I wanted to rediscover space and creativity. I became very deliberate about my work day. I went on long walks every day. I started listening to other podcasts. I started tapping into my own thoughts. And, for the first time in a really long time, I felt so free and energetic and happy and hopeful. I started creating more. Serving more. And feeling unstoppable.

A month in Florida, with loads of space, was one of the best decisions that we ever made. Mark also created some space… and together, we are planning to go back into action with a very exciting new project.

Space. Space. Space. All day long.

Doing less is the new doing more. Quality not quantity.

I know you all work so hard… day in and day out. So I am inviting you to explore what space looks like for you.


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