A Reason Many Avoid the Gym


When you think of the gym, you may imagine lots of in-shape people walking around in designer fitness wear, laughing with their friends. It’s a big community full of beautiful people.

And if we don’t believe that we’re a part of that crew, we already believe we don’t belong there.

Having a certain image in mind of how we’ll have to look in order to allow ourselves to go to the gym will only create more judgment.

We all have an image of people that are “allowed” in the gym. Imagine you’re at the gym in the current shape you’re in. Picture yourself there. What’s happening? Do you feel nervous? Does it seem like people are looking at you? Worrying about what others are thinking is human nature.

But we don’t have to care what others think. We can choose not to, it just takes a bit of work. 

The reality is that nobody at the gym cares how much you’re lifting. They don’t care how fast your treadmill is going. They don’t care what you’re wearing. They simply don’t notice. If somebody does care, it’s more a projection of their own thoughts about themselves than anything to do with you. 

Part of the solution to overcome the constant feeling of being judged is to be vulnerable, to put yourself out there again and again, and realize that nothing bad is going to happen.

The minute we decide to be vulnerable and present, we feel calm, relaxed, and believe we can show up anywhere and work out.

If we can believe that we’re perfect as is, having that self-love and self-acceptance, we stop allowing others’ judgment to take over our lives.

At the end of the day, there’s no requirement to enter a gym other than that you want to be there and better yourself. It has nothing to do with how you look, how much you can lift, or anything of that type.

This concept also applies to bathing suits and public beach and pool settings.  We can put all of this energy to better use.

What would your life be like if you were 100000% confident in your own skin? The opportunities are endless in this space.

Remember... You are beautiful and perfect just as you are... so don’t go hiding any longer.


“Exercise is Stalling My Weight loss”


“I Don’t Understand Macros”