2022 Here We Come


I am sitting here as I write to you all revisiting 2021. So this time last year, we were enjoying a Quarantine Holiday. The kids were in virtual school, so the holiday break didn’t feel like the typical break. Because… well… there was no break in the regular routine.

At this point Mark and I were awaiting our first vaccination that would happen in January. We were both working from home, grocery delivery was the new norm, and Amazon purchases were in high demand. We would take weekend trips to our pool house to get a change of scenery.

When January hit, we were so excited to look forward to our vaccines, but for us, our lifestyle wouldn’t change because the kids would not be vaccinated. We had tremendous cabin fever because we had been home bound since March of 2020. We had an at-home Valentine’s Day celebration where we hired the girls to be our waitresses who we call Scar and Betty.  

March seemed to fly by because we were anxiously awaiting our trip to Florida, where we would rent a VRBO for a whole month. We drove all the way to Cape Coral with some fun stops at Wake Forest and The Biltmore. During our time in Florida, we relaxed, we swam, we had our first outdoor meals, and we walked… a lot. We even made it to Disney for a few days.  

It was on our walks that Mark made the decision to cut down on his clinical practice and to join me in my business. Almost 9 months ago we decided this. And in just a few days, this will become our reality. What we realized is that we can’t buy time. What are we waiting for? Why not go after what we want now?

Mark and I met in med school and we always talked about working together one day. The problem was, I was a neonatologist and he was a psychiatrist. We had always thought about how we could combine our two worlds. Never in a million years did we imagine that we could build our own thing, our way, and give more value and help than we ever thought possible.

As of January 1st, Mark comes into Life Coaching for Women Physicians as an expert coach who will deliver topics like: Beyond Coaching, Relationship Real Talk, and Did I Screw Up My Kids? Together, we are excited to bring opportunities for tremendous growth in the physical, mental, and emotional health space.

The kids are at their new school and THEY ARE THRIVING. We have met so many amazing families and we feel so connected to the community. They are taking Spanish, Drama, Music, and Art classes. They are also learning to ice skate and considering learning to play Ice Hockey. It is a joy to bring them to school each day.

Our puppy, Lilly, is our third child. She is a silly, loving, sweet addition to our family. She spends all day looking for food. She also loves to chase birds and go to Starbucks. She really is the perfect fit for our family.

2021 taught us a lot. I think it allowed us to pause and decide to go after creating the legacy that we dreamed up 20 years ago as 2 young medical students. None of us can predict the future, so perhaps we can decide that the future holds the best possible scenarios for us all. This is what I am choosing to believe.  

I am sending you all so much love.

Cheers to an amazing 2022.

If you are a woman physician and want to enjoy G.O.A.L.S. Society where Dr. Mark will make his debut, we are still offering a FREE 30-day through the end of January. You can read more about our amazing program HERE.


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